Use these Tailwind CSS product list components to build storefront and category pages for your online store with images, prices, and links to more details or purchase options. These components are designed and built by the Tailwind CSS team, and include a variety of different styles and layouts...
这里就说到classname的抽象和复用,bootstrap,element UI,ant Design这些,就是基于常用组件的抽象,CSS的类名不去具体描述这是一个产品列表还是文章列表,列表就用list,卡片状的元素就用card,对话框就是dialog… 页面可以看作是是各个组件的组合,配合适当的语义化,我们的样式表既能灵活服用,又能对某些特殊的组件做出单...
其实在使用全面拥抱Tailwind CSS之前,我也有过挣扎。更早的时候,我是语义化CSS的践行者,反对原子类,觉得这和行内样式差不多,而且原子类在样式的复用上并不灵活。 语义化CSS,顾名思义就是CSS类名能够描述使用了这个class的元素的作用,比如描述一个产品列表: Hot Product xxxxx 500.00 ... ...
<view class="product-img"> </view> 12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions 12 src/pages.json Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -27,6 +27,18 @@ "navigationBarTitleText": "搜索" // "navigationStyle": "custom" } },{ "path": "pages/index/detail", "...
Tailwind CSS - List Style Position - Tailwind CSS List Style Position is a utility class used to effectively control the positioning of list item markers (bullets and numbers) relative to the list items themselves.
Use the list group component to display a series of items, buttons or links inside a single element
By the makers of Tailwind CSS Beautiful UI components, crafted with Tailwind CSS. HTML React Vue Over 500+ professionally designed, fully responsive, expertly crafted component examples you can drop into your Tailwind projects and customize to your heart’s content. ...
全栈教程 - 使用 NextJS、React、Convex、Typescript、Tailwind CSS 和 ShadCN 创建克隆 Fiverr freeCodeCamp 24 个 CSS 项目:创建 GitHub 布局、加载动画、进度条等 freeCodeCamp Webflow 入门教程 - 无代码网页开发 freeCodeCamp Electron 课程 - 编写桌面应用程序(包括 React 和 Typescript) ...
「蓝莓秀」是一款功能强大多用途的现代化电商网站模板,采用最新版本最先进的Tailwind CSS技术实现,专为各种在线销售业务设计,非常适合于食品店、超市、冷冻食品、水果、蔬菜、生鲜、零食、农产品以及日用品等电子商务网站使用。它具备高度的自定义选项,允许用户根据品牌需求灵活调整设计风格,同时确保极高的性能和快速加载速...
Tailwind CSS - List Style Image - Tailwind CSS List Style Image is a collection of predefined classes that enable us to easily change the style, image, or type of marker used for list items on webpages.