material-tailwind正在被使用于该项目中。在_app.js文件中,你应该按照material-tailwind 文档中给出的顺序安排导入。 示例 // before >>> wrong approach import "../styles/globals.css"; import Head from "next/head"; import "@material-tailwind/react/tailwind.css"; // after >>> valid approach import...
When setting up a default Next.js project and following the official documentation to add Storybook, Tailwind CSS classes do not work. The issue seems to be related to the configuration file name for PostCSS. Renaming postcss.config.mjs to postcss.config.js resolves the issue. To Reproduce Step...
When I build, my tailwind css classnames written to the material ui components are not working, everything is fine in dev mode Expected behavior When I build, my classnames should work, but they don't work in next js approuter. Context No response Your environment Search keywords: tailwind...
Next.js: 适用于需要高性能和 SEO 友好的 React 应用。 问题描述 Tailwind CSS 未应用于 Next.js 链接标记,可能是由于以下几个原因: 未正确安装 Tailwind CSS: 确保你已经通过 npm 或 yarn 安装了 Tailwind CSS。 未正确配置 Tailwind CSS: 确保你在项目中正确配置了 Tailwind CSS。 样式未正确引入: 确保你在...
出于某种原因, tailwind 没有在 next.js 中正确呈现。 我想知道是不是我的设置有问题? 样式文件夹 - tailwind.css @顺风基地; /* Write your own custom base styles here */ /* Start purging... */ @tailwind components; /* Stop purging. */ /* Write you own custom component styles here */ ...
{js,jsx,ts,tsx}", "./components/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}"],或者如果您有自定义的css类或第...
尝试在tailwind.js.js中手动添加shadow属性,就像extend中的这样:boxShadow:{ dark:“8 px 6px 24 ...
文章链接:《八小时快速建立网站:无门槛独立建站指南》官网:官网:用户可选的Node.js简易安装包:https://nodejs., 视频播放
npm install -D prettier prettier-plugin-tailwindcss Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 此外,不要忘记在 prettier.config.js 文件中包含以下配置: module.exports = { plugins: ['prettier-plugin-tailwindcss'], } Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 最后,确保重新加载 Visual Studio Code...