<ahref="#"id="navbarDropdown"role="button"data-bs-toggle="dropdown"aria-expanded="false"> Dropdown </a> <ularia-labelledby="navbarDropdown"> <li><ahref="#">Action</a></li> <li><ahref="#">Another action</a></li> <li><hr></li> <li><ahref="#">Something else here</...
TheDropDownNavbar, TheDropDownMenu, TheDropDownItem, TheDropDownDivideBlock, TheDropDownNavbarLogo, } from "vue3-dropdown-navbar"; import { ref } from "vue"; const dropdownMenu = ref<InstanceType<typeof TheDropDownMenu>>(); const toggleDarkMode = () => { document.documentElement.class...
<li class="nav-item dropdown"> <a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbarDropdown" role="button" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false"> Dropdown </a> <ul class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdown"> <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#"...
'100' : '75'} transform opacity-${dropdown ? '100' : '0'} scale-${dropdown ? '100' : '95'}`"> 现在类将取决于下拉值,它只是组件的一个属性,可以通过如下所示的单击事件进行更改: export default { name: 'TheNavBar', data() { return { dropdown: false, } }, } <div> <butto...
<iclass="mdi mdi-chevron-down"></i> </span> </a> <divclass="navbar-dropdown"> <a href="#"class="navbar-item"> <spanclass="icon"><iclass="mdi mdi-account"></i></span> <span>My Profile</span> </a> <aclass="navbar-item"> ...
A responsive navbar with Dropdowns using AlpineJS and Heroicons build in the TailwindCSS Playground alpinenavbarbarnavdropdownstailwindtailwindcssalpinejstailwindcss-playground UpdatedDec 5, 2022 HTML sagalbot/palette Sponsor Star0 Code Issues ...
Tailwind CSS is a low-level framework. Meaning, unlike other CSS frameworks likeBootstrapand Materialize, Tailwind doesn’t offer fully styled components like buttons, dropdowns, and navbars. Instead, it offers utility classes so you can create your own reusable components. ...
Navigation Components —you can find navbars, dropdowns or mega menus. Form Components —components for building forms, such as Input fields, checkboxes and radio buttons, select dropdowns, buttons, and for gorups. Content Display Components —those include cards, modals and popovers, alerts, ...
Tailwind CSS 是一个功能丰富的 CSS 框架,它提供了一系列的实用工具类,用于快速构建自定义设计。导航栏(Navbar)是网站或应用中常见的组件,用于提供导航链接。导航选项卡(Navigation Tabs)则是导航栏中的一种形式,允许用户在不同的内容区域之间切换。 相关优势 ...
Flowbite React is an open-source set of interactive React components based on the Tailwind CSS utility-first framework featuring interactive elements such as modals, navbars, dropdowns, carousels, and more. Install Flowbite React via NPM by running the following command: ...