Svelte 简洁语法,主要是让原生 JS 代码有了响应式的能力,而且打包后的 web 应用很小,特别适合开发移动应用,而Tailwind又是一个优雅的 CSS 框架,有兴趣的小伙伴可以前去了解学习。STDF 组件库基于 Svelte 和 Tailwind 打造,取其优点,质量很高,本文会向大家介绍它。
STDF是一款基于Svelte和Tailwind CSS开发的移动端 web UI 组件库,源码基于MIT开源协议托管在 Github 上,而 Svelte 和 Tailwind CSS 同样是MIT 开源项目,所以我们可以免费用于商业项目,也可以二次开发。 最后强调一下,之前我分享了很多Vue 的组件库,但这是一个 Svelte 的组件库,不能在Vue.js上使用。
npm install tailwindcss-attributes --save-dev Using yarn yarn add -D tailwindcss-attributes Then add the plugin to your tailwind.config.js file: // tailwind.config.jsmodule.exports={theme:{},corePlugins:{aria:false,},plugins:[require("tailwindcss-attributes")],} ...
Alert #Popup, Alert #Popup with Actions, Alert #Content, Alert #Content with Icon: Snackbar: Warning Alert: Primary Alert:
If you hover over a class in your HTML and CSS files, the IDE will show you a preview of the resulting CSS. You can also see this preview when autocompleting your code with the help of theDocumentationpopup (F1/Ctrl+Q). Besides that, WebStorm now supports the customizations you make ...
If you hover over a class in your HTML and CSS files, the IDE will show you the preview of the resulting CSS. You can also see this preview when autocompleting your code with the help of theDocumentationpopup (F1/Ctrl+Q). Besides that, PhpStorm will support the customizations you make...
{ open }) => ( <> {/* eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/click-events-have-key-events, jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions */} useHover && onMouseEnter(!open)} onMouseLeave={() => useHover && onMouseLeave(open)} > <Menu.Button ref={buttonRef} css={[ tw`inline-flex jus...
After releasing the first version of Headless UI in October, we buckled down for a couple of months to release Tailwind CSS v2.0, and then spent the last month of the year focused on bug fixes and lots of project house keeping before taking a break for the holidays. When we came back,...