tracking-widestletter-spacing: 0.1em; Basic usage Setting the letter spacing Use thetracking-*utilities to control the letter spacing of an element. tracking-tight The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. tracking-normal The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. ...
- leading:line-height - tracking: letter-spacing - uppercase: text-transform: uppercase - lowercase: text-transform: lowercase 3. 背景和边框 - bg: background-color - border: border-style, border-width, border-color - rounded: border-radius - shadow: box-shadow 4. 弹性盒子布局 - flex: d...
.font-hairline / thin / light / normal / medium / semibold / bold / extrabold / black Letter Spacing 用于设置元素间距 Utilities for controlling the tracking (letter spacing) of an element. .tracking-tighter .tracking-tight .tracking-normal .tracking-wide .tracking-wider .tracking-widest Letter ...
npx tailwindcss init tailwindcss-config.js 如果使用自定义文件名,则在 PostCSS 配置中将 Tailwind 做为插件引入时,也需要指定它: // postcss.config.js module.exports = { plugins: { tailwindcss: { config: './tailwindcss-config.js' }, }, } 创建PostCSS 配置文件 如果您想在生成 tailwind.config.js...
tracking: letter-spacing uppercase: text-transform: uppercase lowercase: text-transform: lowercase 背景和边框 bg: background-color border: border-style, border-width, border-color rounded: border-radius shadow: box-shadow 弹性盒子布局 flex: display: flex ...
Tailwind CSS - Font Family Tailwind CSS - Font Size Tailwind CSS - Font Smoothing Tailwind CSS - Font Style Tailwind CSS - Font Weight Tailwind CSS - Font Variant Numeric Tailwind CSS - Letter Spacing Tailwind CSS - Line Clamp Tailwind CSS - Line Height Tailwind CSS - List Style Image Tailw...
Tailwind使用.font-{weight}工具类设置CSS中font-weight属性以控制字体粗细 字间距(Letter Spacing) CSS中使用letter-spacing属性以增减字符之间的空白间距,简单来说就是用来定位在文本字符框之间插入多少空白空间。这里的letter表示是字符,如果是英文则表示一个字母,如果是中文则表示一个汉字。letter-spacing允许设置负值。
letterSpacing The letter-spacing utilities like lineHeight The line-height utilities like listStylePosition The list-style-position utilities like list-inside listStyleType The list-style-type utilities like margin The margin utilities like maxHeight The max-height utilities like maxWidth The max...
Tailwind CSS - Letter SpacingLetter spacing controls the distance between characters in text using Tailwind CSS. Try It Tailwind CSS - Line ClampLine Clamp limits text to a fixed number of lines in Tailwind CSS. Try It Tailwind CSS - Line HeightLine Height sets the vertical distance between li...
Letter Spacing 用于控制元素的跟踪(字母间距)的实用程序 tracking-tighter tracking-tight tracking-normal tracking-wide tracking-wider tracking-widest Line Height 用于控制元素行距(行高)的实用程序 leading-3 leading-4 leading-5 leading-6 leading-7 leading-8 leading-9 leading-10 leading-none leading-tight...