shadow-sm: 小型阴影、shadow: 中等阴影、shadow-md: 中等阴影(与 shadow 相同)、shadow-lg: 大型阴影、shadow-xl: 超大型阴影、shadow-2xl: 超超大型阴影、shadow-inner: 内部阴影、shadow-none: 无阴影 二、效果方法 1.自适应显示 (1)invisible sm:visible md:text-red-500 lg:text-8xl, (2)flex flex...
0x01 概述 (1)简介 Tailwind CSS 官网: Tailwind CSS 是一个 CSS 框架,使用初级“工具”类创建布局 如 Bootstrap 等传统 CSS 框架,其使用的类通常与组件直接相关;然而,Tailwind 则采用了
本CSS 框架本质上是一个工具集,包含了大量类似 flex、 pt-4、 text-center 以及rotate-90 等工具类,可以组合使用并直接在 HTML 代码上实现任何 UI 设计。 使用情况 一般项目中的CSS样式分为四种粒度: Click Click Click .button{ border-radius: '0.5rem'; padding: '1rem'; } <Button> Click ...
lg:rounded-full: assigning a border radius of 9999px to the element in case of large screens flex: applying flex layout to the container lg:inline-flex: on large screens and above an inline flex layout is used Inside the innerdivelement you can find twospanelements that are used for ...
.border-dottedborder-style: dotted; .border-doubleborder-style: double; .border-noneborder-style: none; Usage Use.border-{style}to control an element's border style. .border-solid .border-dashed .border-dotted .border-double .border-none ...
├── windi-acss.css └── windi.css 多了个文件windi-acss.css其内容为: *, ::before, ::after{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;border-width:0;border-style:solid;border-color:#e5e7eb;}*{--tw-ring-inset:var(--tw-empty,/*!*//*!*/);--tw-ring-offset-width...
.rounded-3xlborder-radius: 1.5rem; .rounded-fullborder-radius: 9999px; .rounded-t-noneborder-top-left-radius: 0; border-top-right-radius: 0; .rounded-r-noneborder-top-right-radius: 0; border-bottom-right-radius: 0; .rounded-b-noneborder-bottom-right-radius: 0; border-bottom-left-radiu...
rounded-2xlborder-radius: 1rem; rounded-3xlborder-radius: 1.5rem; rounded-fullborder-radius: 9999px; rounded-t-noneborder-top-left-radius: 0px; border-top-right-radius: 0px; rounded-r-noneborder-top-right-radius: 0px; border-bottom-right-radius: 0px; ...
Tailwind CSS - Border Radius - Tailwind CSS Border Radius consists of predefined classes used to round the corners of elements. These classes apply different levels of rounding, ranging from no rounding to fully rounded corners.