Tailwind CSS 项目: npxcreate-tailwindcss-appmy-tailwind-projectcdmy-tailwind-projectnpminstallnpmrundev 这将创建一个新的项目,并启动一个开发服务器,你可以在浏览器中查看你的 Tailwind CSS 应用。 1.4 Tailwind CSS 的核心概念:实用程序类 实用程序类是 Tailwind CSS 的核心,它们允许你通过添加类来快速应用样...
TailwindCss 通过变体前缀 与原子功能类 组合形成新的变体功能类,实现了 响应式变体('responsive')、深色模式变体('dark')和 悬停、焦点和其他状态变体('hover', 'focus', ...)。 module.exports = { darkMode: false, // or 'media' or 'class' theme: { colors: { white: { DEFAULT: '#fff', }...
Responsive Design Using responsive utility variants to build adaptive user interfaces. Every utility class in Tailwind can be applied conditionally at different breakpoints, which makes it a piece of cake to build complex responsive interfaces without ever leaving your HTML....
使用CSS 中的过滤器(filter),利用 invert 和 hue-rotate 两个函数来反转和调整页面元素的颜色 filter 属性来给元素(通常是图片)添加一些视觉效果(类似于 Photoshop 中的滤镜)。CSS filter 属性可以让您实现一些预定义的效果,例如模糊、亮度、对比度、阴影、灰度、色相、反转、透明度、饱和度和棕褐色等。您也可以使...
Tailwind CSS: 构建和部署响应式网站 | Tailwind CSS : Build and Deploy Responsive Websites 学习TailwindCSS,轻松快速地设置 HTML 样式。 你将会学到的 TailwindCSS简介 将TailwindCSS 添加到您的项目 设置TailwindCSS配置文件 TailwindCSS 中的响应式设计 ...
Every Tailwind utility also comes with responsive variants, making it extremely easy to build responsive interfaces without resorting to custom CSS. Tailwind uses an intuitive{screen}:prefix that makes it easy to notice responsive classes in your markup while keeping the original class name recognizable...
// tailwind.config.js { theme: {}, // no options to configure variants: { // all the following default to ['responsive'] imageRendering: ['responsive'], }, plugins: [ require('tailwindcss-image-rendering')(), // no options to configure ], } .rendering-auto { image-rendering: auto...
Tailwind CSS Gallery Use responsive gallery component with helper examples for image gallery, photo gallery, gallery grid, carousel & more. Free download, open-source license. Basic example The Image Gallery component allows you to display a collection of related images on a page....
npm install tailwindcss 下一步是创建一个styles.css文件,在其中使用@tailwind伪指令包含框架样式: @tailwind base;@tailwind components;@tailwind utilities; 之后,我们运行npx tailwind init命令,创建一个最小的tailwind.config.js文件,在开发过程中将放置自定义选项。生成的文件包含以下内容: ...
Tailwind CSS 是一个功能类优先的 CSS 框架,它集成了诸如 flex, pt-4, text-center 和 rotate-90 这样的的类,它们能直接在脚本标记语言中组合起来,构建出任何设计