Navbars Use these Tailwind CSS navbar components to help users get around your application with responsive navigation bars featuring search bars, menus, and quick action buttons. These navbars are designed and built by the Tailwind CSS team, and include a variety of different styles and layouts...
Beautifully designed, expertly crafted components and templates, built by the makers ofTailwind CSS. The perfect starting point for your next project. Marketing Hero Sections Feature Sections Pricing Sections Header Sections Newsletter Sections Testimonials ...
最近学了 tailwindcss,然后仿照 B 站的教程做了一个 tailwindcss 实现响应式导航栏的 demo,本文将介绍实现该功能的流程,采用的是Vue和TailwindCSS框架。 我们来直接看核心代码 --Navbar.vue <template> <div class="bg-gray-900 text-white px-6 py-3.5 shadow md:flex justify-between items-center" > <d...
Tailwind Version: 3.0.18 Made with: HTML, CSS, Tailwind Browser Compatibility: Chrome, Opera, Safari, Edge, Firefox Check Demo #7 Simple Navbar Description: A very simple navbar for putting together quick websites and apps by nickjbasile. Features: Responsive: Yes Tailwind Version: 0.3.0 Ma...
Responsive navbar for ecommerce store in TailwindCSS. Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:- Tailwind version:2.2.4 Author joker banny Links demo and code Made with HTML / CSS About a code
根据需要选择其他的功能插件,例如:Babel, Router, Vuex, CSS Pre-processors, Linter。
分享一个CSS框架,内置了很多css样式: 使用方式:注意其不支持IE浏览器仓库地址:
css的媒体查询写起来还是比较麻烦的,如下:@mediaonly screen and (max-width:760px) { .navbar { width:100%; }} **使用了Tailwind CSS就免去这些繁琐的东西。**默认情况下,Tailwind使用移动优先断点系统,类似于您在Bootstrap或Foundation中可能使用的系统。这意味着未加前缀的实用程序(如uppercase...
要开始您的第一个插件,先从tailwindcss/plugin导入 Tailwind 的plugin函数。然后在您的plugins数组中,调用这个函数,用一个匿名函数作为其第一个参数。 // tailwind.config.jsconstplugin=require('tailwindcss/plugin')module.exports={plugins:[plugin(function({addUtilities,addComponents,e,prefix,config}){// Add...
'.navbar-inverse a.nav-link': { color: '#fff', } } addComponents(components) }) ] } ...将生成以下的 CSS: .tw-navbar-inverse { color: #fff; } 要选择不使用前缀,可以传递一个 options 对象作为第二个参数给 addComponents: // tailwind.config.js const plugin = require(...