之前看到有个叫django-tailwind的 python包,不过可能配套的tailwind版本不方便更新,再加上DjangoStarter很早就使用 NPM 和 gulp 来管理前端静态资源了,所以还是手动来添加 tailwind 比较好。 安装tailwindcss# 安装# 在DjangoStarter 的项目根目录执行命令 pnpm install -D tailwindcss 初始化# 在根目录执行命令 npx ta...
如果tailwind-watch运行没有错误,则output.css文件现在应该用 CSS 填充。现在您可以实际使用 tailwindCSS 类,方法是将输出的 css 文件与 Django 调用加载静态文件一起包含到 Django 模板文件中: {%loadstatic %} 不要忘记在部署过程中包含npm run tailwind-build脚本。这将构建输出并删除未使用的类以确保较小的文件...
Django Tailwind CSS, Alpine.js Tutorial Series: Introduction How to Setup Tailwind CSS with Django (Part 1) How to Setup Tailwind CSS with Django (Part 2) Optimize Tailwind CSS in Django Render Django Form with Tailwind CSS Style Integrate Alpine.js with Django (Part 1) (coming soon) ...
那么是否有与之相关的组件库呢 ? 每个项目都有 awesome ,TailwindCSS 也有 awesome-tailwindcss, 你...
Tailwind CSS 导论博主介绍了Tailwind CSS这款效用优先的CSS框架。通过组合预定义的class来直接在HTML中...
Supports the latestTailwind CSSv3.x; For instructions on upgrading fromv2tov3, see this post on my blog. Requirements Python 3.10 or newer with Django >= 3.2 or newer. Documentation The full documentation is athttps://django-tailwind.readthedocs.io/ ...
项目详情 由分享 介绍 该项目可以让你在 Django 项目中轻松地使用 Tailwind CSS 框架,内含 Tailwind CSS 官方的排版、表单、line-clamp 等插件。 收录于: 第93 期 标签: Django Python
Django, HTMX, and Tailwind CSS come together as a powerful trio, offering a range of compelling reasons for their adoption. Here, we explore why this combination is worth your consideration: Efficiency and Productivity:Django's high-level framework, combined with HTMX's streamlined interactions and...
Django + HTMX + Tailwind CSS - A dynamic TODO list app. Explore the power of this web development stack. - django-htmx-tailwindcss/example.env at main · sunscrapers/django-htmx-tailwindcss
Additionally,django-tailwindprovides valuable tools for local development and debugging. Delve into the package's documentationhereto explore its full capabilities. Resources Django website HTMX website Tailwind CSS website Django packagedjango-htmx ...