The color variables from Tailwind CSS can be used to set colors for text elements, borders, backgrounds, focus rings, and more. Default color palette # The Flowbite UI library has a carefully selected color pallette to meet aesthetic and accessibility demands and here’s a list of the ...
Color palette reference This is a list of all of the colors available when you import tailwindcss/colors into your tailwind.config.js file. // tailwind.config.js const colors = require('tailwindcss/colors') module.exports = { theme: { colors: { // Build your palette here transparent: '...
Tailwind CSS - Background Color - Tailwind CSS Background Color is a utility class that specifies the element's background color. There are a lot of color that you can use in 10 different shades to set the background-color of any element.
5 cups chopped Porcini mushrooms1/2 cup of olive oil3lb of celery// css应该是.marker:text-sky-400::marker{// text-sky-400的样式} 接上面 selection 是一个CSS伪元素选择器,它可以用来给用户选中的文本添加样式 We’ve designed the selection modifier to be inheritable, so you can add it anywhe...
Use thetext-[<value>]syntaxto set thetext colorbased on a completely custom value: <!-- ... --> For CSS variables, you can also use thetext-(<custom-property>)syntax: <!-- ... --> This is just a shorthand fortext-[var(<custom-property>...
Tailwind CSS Border Color Classes Below is a list of Tailwind CSS Border Color classes with properties for adjusting the border colors on your webpage. ClassCSS Properties border-inheritborder-color: inherit; border-currentborder-color: currentborder-color; ...
这是我第一次使用 Tailwind\xc2\xa0CSS,我不明白为什么颜色不起作用。这是Laravel Jetstream的全新安装,附带 Tailwind CSS、Vue.js\xc2\xa03、Vite 和 Inertia。\n 如果动态添加类,似乎不会从 Tailwind\xc2\xa0CSS 导入相关样式。\n 这是一些基本组件:...
使用Tailwind CSS 在深色模式下为您的网站设置样式。 现在深色模式是很多操作系统的首要功能,设计一个深色版的网站来配合默认的设计变得越来越普遍。 为了使此操作尽可能简单,Tailwind 包含一个dark变体,当启用深色模式时,您可以为您的网站设置不同的样式:
0x01 概述 (1)简介 Tailwind CSS 官网: Tailwind CSS 是一个 CSS 框架,使用初级“工具”类创建布局 如 Bootstrap 等传统 CSS 框架,其使用的类通常与组件直接相关;然而,Tailwind 则采用了
CSS @import "tailwindcss";@layer components { .typography { color: var(--color-gray-950); a { color: var(--color-blue-500); &:hover { color: var(--color-blue-800); } } }} You can also use these as arbitrary values in utility classes: HTML <!-- ... --> To quickly adju...