Tailwind CSS Cheat Sheet 是一个 Tailwind CSS 速查表,就像一个 Tailwind CSS 小抄,你可以快速查找 Tailwind CSS 的各种类名和用法。为什么推荐?快速查找: 可以快速查找你需要的 Tailwind CSS 类名和用法,节省时间。方便记忆: 可以帮助你记忆 Tailwind CSS 的类名和用法。学习参考: 可以作为学习 Tailwind CSS 的...
Reference list of common CSS properties you'll want to use in Tailwind, and their relative classesI wrote this cheat sheet because I find myself constantly referencing the Tailwind docs to remind a particular class (I’m starting out and I don’t have muscle memory yet for it)...
Tailwind cheat sheet Tailwind packs a lot of power into a memorable and concise syntax. A great resource is this Tailwind CSS Cheat Sheet, which is handy for quickly looking up what you need. Tailwind is an alternative to approaches like Bootstrap or Foundation. It seems to be catching on,...
How to install Tailwind CSS without a front-end framework Here’s my cheat sheet to Tailwind CSS withPostCSSandCSSNano. The guide follows the officialdocumentationwith a few modifications. Installation You’ll need a recent version ofNode.js. npm install -D tailwindcss@latest postcss@latest\autop...
🌍 Tailwind Cheat Sheet - Tailwind CSS class names in one single file. 🌍 Tailwind Cheat Sheet - Tailwind CSS class names, variants and directives cheat sheet. UI Libraries, Components & Templates Legend: 💙 Official resource · 📚 Library · 🧩 Components · 📁 Templates 💙🧩 Tai...
Kullanımı ile birlikte, @layer ve @apply yöntemleri, Tailwind CSS'in stil düzenini daha etkili bir şekilde yönetmeyi sağlar ve stil kodunun daha temiz ve düzenli olmasına katkıda bulunur. tailwind-cheat-sheet
@tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities; @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Inter:wght@100;200;300;400;500;700;900&display=swap'); @layer base { html { font-family: Inter, system-ui, sans-serif; } } Now your default font is that one, and you ...
// tailwind.config.ts import type { Config } from 'tailwindcss' const config: Config = { theme: { // ... }, plugins: [ require('tailwindcss-like-css'), // ... ], } export default config Class Names Cheat Sheet WIP Install ...
A free repository of open source Tailwind CSS components and templates to bootstrap your new apps, projects or landing sites!
Tailus Snippets Modern tailwindcss components right in your VS Code Tailus UI Tailwind Color Picker Tailwind Color Picker allows you to pick a pixel from any web page and return the closest tailwind color Hassan El Mghari Tailwind CSS Cheatsheet Cheat sheet to search the Tailwind CSS util...