Tailwind CSS is indeed an awesome framework especially because it lets you built web apps the way you want, with no limitations. If you are tired of the similarity of Bootstrap based websites, for example, then this framework can be your answer! If you’ve used Tailwind CSS in your proje...
Example/** * Inserts Tailwind's foundational styles and any additional base styles from plugins. */ @tailwind base; /** * Includes Tailwind's component styles and any extra component styles from plugins. */ @tailwind components; /** * Adds Tailwind's utility classes and any additional ...
通过这种方式,Tailwind CSS不仅仅是一个工具,更是连接创意与实现之间的桥梁,助力每一个项目都能以最高效的方式达到最佳视觉效果。 五、开发效率的提升 5.1 实时样式更新的优势 在快节奏的现代开发环境中,时间就是金钱,而Tailwind CSS的即时编译器(JIT)所带来的实时样式更新无疑为开发者节省了宝贵的调试时间。想象一...
/* components.css */@import"./components/buttons.css";@import"./components/card.css";/* components/buttons.css */.btn{@applypx-4py-2roundedfont-semiboldbg-gray-200text-black;}/* components/card.css */.card{@applyp-4bg-whiteshadowrounded;} 您最可能遇到这种情况的地方是在您的主 CSS 文件...
tailwindcss 3.3.3(完成入门,需要补充每个单独样式) 归纳 修饰符堆叠 以下为修饰符 伪类伪元素 使用方法: 在实用程序类前添加hover:bg-sky-700 伪类 hover focus focus-within 用来选择和样式化一个元素或者它的任何后代元素获得焦点的情况 focus-visible 用来选择和样式化一个元素或者它的任何...
Tailwind CSS Select Use responsive select dropdown component with helper examples for select input, multi select, select box, search with select, select options, styling& more. Required ES init: * *UMDautoinits are enabled by default. This means that you don't need to initialize the component...
Basic example The datepicker allows users to enter a date either through text input, or by choosing a date from the calendar. Date pickers can be embedded into dialogs on mobile and text field dropdowns on desktop. Show code Hey there 👋we're excited about TW elements and want to see ...
Flex 布局基础1. Flex 容器设置 {代码...} 2. 主轴对齐 {代码...} 3. 交叉轴对齐 {代码...} Flex 实战案例1. 导航栏布局 {代码...} 2. 卡片网格布局 {代码...
<!DOCTYPE html> Tailwind CSS Example Welcome to Tailwind CSS! This is a simple example of using Tailwind CSS to style a webpage.
// plugins/card.js const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin') module.exports = plugin(function({ addComponents, theme }) { const cards = { '.card': { backgroundColor: theme('colors.white'), borderRadius: theme('borderRadius.lg'), boxShadow: theme('boxShadow.md'), overflow: 'hidden...