Right aligning text Centering text Justifying text Responsive design From the creators of Tailwind CSS Make your ideas look awesome, without relying on a designer. “This is the survival kit I wish I had when I started building apps.”
0x01 概述 (1)简介 Tailwind CSS 官网:https://www.tailwindcss.cn/ Tailwind CSS 是一个 CSS 框架,使用初级“工具”类创建布局 如 Bootstrap 等传统 CSS 框架,其使用的类通常与组件直接相关;然而,Tailwind 则采用了
text-left 即 text-align:left text-center、text-right、text-justify 同理加粗italic 即 font-style: italic; font-thin 即 font-weight: 100; font-light 即 font-weight: 300; font-normal 即 font-weight: 400; font-bold 即 font-weight: 700; font-black 即 font-weight: 900;...
text-centertext-align: center; text-righttext-align: right; text-justifytext-align: justify; text-starttext-align: start; text-endtext-align: end; Functionality Of Tailwind CSS Text Alignment Classes text-left:This class aligns text to the left within its container. ...
} .right { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: center; } } ...
- mx-auto: 实现水平居中(margin-left 和 margin-right 设置为 auto) 以上是一些常用的 Tailwind CSS 缩写及其对应的意义,覆盖了基础的布局、文本、背景、边框、弹性盒子布局、网格布局和响应式设计,有助于更快速地开发出具有良好用户体验的 Web 应用程序。
Tailwind CSS - Grid Row Start / End Tailwind CSS - Grid Auto Flow Tailwind CSS - Grid Auto Columns Tailwind CSS - Grid Auto Rows Tailwind CSS - Gap Tailwind CSS - Justify Content Tailwind CSS - Justify Items Tailwind CSS - Justify Self Tailwind CSS - Align Content Tailwind CSS - Align ...
Tailwind Text align The text-align utility class in Tailwind CSS allows you to control the horizontal alignment of text within an element. With Tailwind's text-align class, you can easily align text to the left, center, right, or justify it. Applying Text Align To apply the text alignment...
align-self position top / right / bottom / left visibility z-index Flexbox & Grid flex-basis flex-direction flex-wrap flex flex-grow flex-shrink order grid-template-columns grid-column grid-template-rows grid-row grid-auto-flow grid-auto-columns...
1. 直接在vue中写css命令,省去了繁琐的css命名,省去了来回跳转页面编辑,省去了写一堆CSS的痛苦 Before .bottomNav-cartfooter { position: fixed; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; display: flex; align-items: center; padding-left: 21.066667