functionApp() {returnWelcomeReact and Tailwind css updated now; }exportdefaultApp; I had this issue where everything was installed correctly from the official docs of tailwind. But, the styles were not being reflected. When I say the whole installation went fine i really mean everything, like...
This error was due to Tailwind was not able to access the generic path which it suppose to check for tailwind classNames. How i was able to resolve the issue below whereby I picked and added any file within my project. my previous code content: [ "./app/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}", ...
I wrotea bookin which I share everything I know about how to become a better, more efficient programmer. You can use the search field on myHome Pageto filter through all of my articles. ShareShareShareShareShare Search for posts 0
"sm:tw-w-[5rem] md:tw-w-[10rem] tw-rounded-full float-end tw-mt-[-3rem]"
export function Index() { return ( Testing Tailwind! ); } export default Index; You should see the test class applying the color red to the text, but no Tailwind classes are applied. If you search tailwind in the Dev Tools Elements panel, you'll see Tailwind is loaded in the DOM...
尝试在tailwind.js.js中手动添加shadow属性,就像extend中的这样:boxShadow:{ dark:“8 px 6px 24 ...
根据tailwind.css的官方文档,不建议使用此类classNames 如文件所述:
Now when compiled, all the css in nova-components/my-component/dist/css/field.css will be prefixed with the 'my-component-scoped' classname, and won't interfere with the rest of the app. .my-component-scoped .h-5 { height: 1.25rem } .my-component-scoped .z-0 { z-index: 0 } N...
{ => <li key={item} className={`cursor-pointer relative after:content-['${item}'] <--- this approach is not working...! Why? after:absolute after:right-0 after:text-red-200 `} > {item} ) } Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 虽然我也尝试这种方法......