你只定义了边框颜色,而没有定义border width。因为它是0 px,所以它是不可见的;)
你只定义了边框颜色,而没有定义border width。因为它是0 px,所以它是不可见的;)
tailwind建议我们使用index.css,而不是在tailwind.config.js中进行配置 如https://tailwindcss.com/docs...
.border-gray-300border-color: #e2e8f0; .border-gray-400border-color: #cbd5e0; .border-gray-500border-color: #a0aec0; .border-gray-600border-color: #718096; .border-gray-700border-color: #4a5568; .border-gray-800border-color: #2d3748; ...
Note that Tailwind’s border reset is not applied to file input buttons. This means that to add a border to a file input button, you need to explicitly set the border-style using a class like alongside any border-width utility:file:border-solid ...
Upgrade (experimental): Generate compatibility styles for legacy default border color (#14746) Upgrade (experimental): Generate compatibility styles for legacy default border width on form elements (#14746) Fixed Allow spaces spaces around operators in attribute selector variants (#14703) Ensure color...
.input { @apply bg-gray-200 border h-10 } I can't get @apply to work in my scoped styles either. nivv commented Jan 17, 2021 • edited I got it working after installing laravel-mix-tailwind and using it this way in my webpack.config.js require('laravel-mix-tailwind') mix...
It can have rounded borders if has-rounded-border is also added. If the spinner has the is-centered class, it will be centered within the overlay. Typography @scayle/tailwind-base/plugins/text.js ClassProperties headline-36 font-size: 36px; line-height: 44px; letter-spacing: ...
Rename border-radius to radius Rename screens to breakpoint Rename colors to color 31 May 2024 Scoped typography variables to specific properties. 18 Apr 2024 Hidden unneeded components from publishing 17 Apr 2024 New Typography Variables Added Line Height Variables Added Letter Spacing Variables Added...