A simple blog & post template built with Tailwind and AlpineJS. - GitHub - edmidev/tailwind-blog-template: A simple blog & post template built with Tailwind and AlpineJS.
A minimal, beautiful and responsive HTML + Tailwind CSS template for a SaaS blog. Ready to be copied and pasted into any static site generator. View a full preview. Installation Copy and paste the HTML from index.html and post.html into your favourite static site generator Make tweaks to ma...
Is TailGrids Well-documented? It takes 2-3 weeks to get your first blog post ready. That includes the in-depth research & creation of your monthly content ui/ux strategy that we do writing your first blog post. Is TailGrids Well-documented?
After a year with this template, I decided to rate it. Why?The main reason is the constant update systemthat keep helping to improve my site all the time. If someone ask me why take long time to rate, well I found some issues a year ago that send through some bugs report that they...
3、jwt 模式: just-in-time 模式,可以写出在原子类之外的样式,比如:w-[762px]表示width:762px,grid-cols-[1fr,700px,2fr]表示grid-template-columns: 1fr 700px 2fr;当然还有h-[calc(1000px-4rem)]等等,这些都是运行时才生成的样式;配合在tailwind.config.js中加入purge: ['./src/**/*.{js,ts,js...
The project is in active development and we are creating more elements and templates as fast as we can. If you have a specific component, section or template that you need, just open an issue inGithubor message us viaTwitteror thecontact formand we'll see how we can help. ...
Kickstart with GitHub! Either fork the AstroWind template or simply click 'Use this template'. Your canvas awaits, ready for your digital masterpiece. In just a few clicks, you've already set the foundation. Step 2:Add content Pour your vision into it. Add images, text, and all that ...
</template> import{PropType}from"vue"; interfaceComment{ date:number; text:string; id:number; name:string; } exportdefault{ name:"CommentArea", props: { comments: { type:ArrayasPropType<Comment[]>, required:true, }, }, methods: {...
该项目是基于 TailwindCSS、React 和 Next.js 构建的落地页模板,它界面美观、代码简单、设计在线,适用于快速制作公司主页、活动落地页等。
如果有同学不需要国际化的版本,可以切换到https://github.com/Fridolph/my-resume分支的dev/无国际化看这分支。但这个分支比较早,缺少很多细节和后续的优化,再贴一下项目地址: github:https://github.com/Fridolph/my-resume 在线浏览:https://resume.fridolph.top ...