Mix Tailwind CSS Colors and generate stunning text and background gradients or use our ready-made gradients to create remarkable designs.Generate Create Your Gradient Choose if you are looking for text or background gradients. Background Text Choose Colors Pick colors from the Tailwind CSS Palett...
🛑💼 benface's gradients - Adds gradient utilities. 🛑💼 lorisleiva's gradients - Adds background gradient utilities. 🛑💼 Visually Hidden - Adds screen reader utilities. 🛑💼 Object Fit - Adds object-fit utilities. 🛑💼 Object Position - Adds object-position utilities. 🛑💼...
Gradient Background - Make your backgrounds stand out by applying gradient colors. Animations Select one of the below options Skew Fade Spin Set duration and speed for the animations And boom Box Shadow - Cast a shadow on your element. Border Radius - Get desired border radius for your ...
put your Hex Code here and edit the ranges to find the closes match to your color from the tailwind css color pallet, I’m using the HSL value to compare and find the best match for the color you are looking for. The Background of the result section will use the input value as colo...
@ctrljames 4Components Member Since 11 months ago Share 3.3 4 Tailwind CSS Gooey text background with SVG filtersctrljames 3.3 1 1 3.3 4 Web, Platform & Design Copyright © 2024Creative Tim. Component copyrights belongs to their authors. Made with ️ for a better web....