"name": "@apply", "description": "Use the `@apply` directive to inline any existing utility classes into your own custom CSS. This is useful when you find a common utility pattern in your HTML that you’d like to extract to a new component.", "references": [ { "name": "Tailwind ...
Tailwind CSS 是一款 Units 導向的 CSS 框架,它的許多優勢讓大家趨之若鶩的學習與瞭解,但是在 VSCode 開發上時常會遇到 Unknown at rule @tailwind、Unknown at rule @apply 等錯誤訊息,所以這一篇來紀錄一下解決方式。 前言 Tailwind CSS 是一款 Units 導向的 CSS 框架,它的許多優勢讓大家趨之若鶩的學習與瞭...
安装tailwind,以及配置了tailwind css intellisense也无法解决在global.css中报错unknown at rule @tailwind css 这个问题在tailwindcss的官网也有描述 Tailwind CSS uses a lot of custom CSS at-rules like @tailwind, @apply, and @screen, and in many editors this can trigger warnings or errors where these ...
Just to add, when using@applyinside style section of.vueSFC files (OP's case), I have to do: "css.lint.unknownAtRules": "ignore"instead."vue.lint.unknownAtRules"won't be picked up by vscode. I hope this helps. #5258 (comment) Mar 22, 2022 we can also addcustom data example, ...
@tailwindbase;^^^Unknown at rule @tailwindcss(unknownAtRules) ./styles/globals.css @layerbase{*{@applytext-gray-dark;^^^Unknown at rule @applycss(unknownAtRules)}} VSCode Solution: Define Custom Data for CSS The solution was toload a custom CSS datasetfor Tailwind directives in a workspace...
I am testing extracting-component-classes-with-apply as seen on official documentation. When I try to follow the above example, there is a linting error I don't know where is coming from. Project is successfully built and every thing in ...
1.在项目的根级别,更新或创建一个目录.vscode,其中包含一个文件 * settings.json *:...
解决方案:respect ! Tailwind CSS Unknown at Ruleduncanleung.com/tailwind-css-unknown-at-rule/ 摘要: .vscode/settings.json { "css.customData": [".vscode/tailwindcss.json"], } .vscode/tailwindcss.json { "version": 1.1, "atDirectives": [ ...
但这不起作用。我收到错误 unknown rule at apply。你知道如何纠正吗? 我正在使用 tailwind css 3.4.1 和 React 18.2.0。css reactjs tailwind-css 2个回答 0投票 使用Tailwind CSS @apply 指令应用复杂样式可能比简单地将实用程序类从元素复制并粘贴到 CSS 文件更棘手。 @apply指令不能与插入的样式一...
这就是答案,不要忽略CSS> Lint:Unknown At Rules在VS Code中的存在,谢谢Jorge! - seandaniel 29 我的建议是安装PostCSS语言支持,然后将tailwind.css重命名为tailwind.pcss。然后在您的package.json脚本(或任何用于tailwind的构建脚本)中更改引用,从tailwind.css改为tailwind.pcss,这样一切都应该正常工作。 @apply规...