这是一个使用自定义字体大小的段落。 通过这种方式,TailwindCSS的自定义配置可以让你的项目更加个性化,同时保持代码的整洁和一致性。 三、深入理解配置文件 3.1 配置文件结构 在Tailwind CSS中,配置文件是一个非常重要的组成部分,它允许你自定义框架的行为和样式。默认情况下,Tailwind CSS使用一个名为tailwind.config....
<svgclass="h-6 w-6 stroke-sky-500 group-hover:stroke-white"fill="none"viewBox="0 0 24 24"><!-- ... --></svg>New projectCreate a new project from a variety of starting templates. When nesting groups, you
Add support for Glimmer / Handlebars (#83) 0.1.11- 2022-05-16 Changed Updateprettier-plugin-sveltetov2.7.0(#77) Fixed Fix sorting in Svelte:elseblocks (#79) 0.1.10- 2022-04-20 Removed Remove whitespace tidying and duplicate class removal due toissueswith whitespace removal (#72) ...
首先,打开终端并选择要在其中创建项目文件夹的目录。请cd Desktop在终端中运行。第2步:现在,通过在终...
addBase(), for registering new base styles addVariant(), for registering custom variants e(), for escaping strings meant to be used in class names prefix(), for manually applying the user’s configured prefix to parts of a selector
Add support for tailwindcss/colors and tailwindcss/defaultTheme exports for use with plugins (#14221) Add support for the @tailwindcss/typography and @tailwindcss/forms plugins (#14221) Add support for the theme() function in CSS and class names (#14177) Add support for matching multiple uti...
Addtocart<svgxmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"width="1em"height="1em"preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMidmeet"viewBox="00256256"><path fill="currentColor"d="M232128A10410401112824a104.2104.2001104104Z"/></svg>50+pcs.instock
In CSS, try to avoid the use of the !important modifier if possible. However, sometimes it is still necessary. TailwindCSS has a simple way to do this. Just add the!character to the beginning of the selected class. Example: Lorem ipsum Markup Copy When can it be useful?
import TInput from 'vue-tailwind/src/elements/TInput.vue' import TAlert from 'vue-tailwind/src/components/TAlert.vue' Vue.use(TInput, { successStatusClass: 'border-green-600 bg-green-300 text-white', }) Vue.use(TAlert, { baseClass: 'border-2 p-3 relative flex', }) ...
通过组合预定义的class来直接在HTML中构建任何设计。博主以一个卡片UI的例子对Tailwind CSS进行了解释,...