Today we're excited to announce a major overhaul that significantly enhances the Android app and brings some of Tailscale's most widely used and requested features to the Android platform. Since its debut in August 2020, the Tailscale Android app has been a reliable tool for secure remote netwo...
You will just need to sign up using an existing email or account so you can continue using this app. An added information about this app is that Jason A. Donenfeld has registered WireGuard as a trademark. The Android VpnBuilder framework is used by the VPN application Tailscale....
Makefile,*: use Nov 1, 2024 Tailscale Android Client Private WireGuard® networks made easy Overview This repository contains the open source Tailscale Android client. Using Help us test new features and bug-fixes before they ship to all users...
store.go syspolicy_handler.go tailscale.go vpnfacade.go metadata scripts tool .gitignore LICENSE Makefile PATENTS eclipse-formatter.xml flake.lock flake.nix go.mod go.sum go.toolchain.rev version-ldflags.shBreadcrumbs tailscale-android /libtailscale / store.go Latest...
Tailscale 适用于 Android 设备 安装 举报应用 关于Tailscale 大小 32 MB 更新时间 2023-04-16 版本 1.39.35-t731688e5c-gdf47a609279 Build 1
The Tailscale client works with Android 8.0 or later on devices such as phones, tablets, and Android TV. If you want to install the Tailscale client on ChromeOS, seeInstall Tailscale on a Chromebook. Use a single sign-on account You can use this method if you are installing the Tailscale ...
降低Tailscale延迟,私人derp搭建,实现异地组网,内网穿透 极兔云 科技老柴 局域网远程桌面,公司、家庭内网远程桌面连接之Tailscale教程 宝哥黑科技 手把手教你白嫖!终身免费的爱快SDWAN组网,轻松实现远程办公,访问NAS 阿雷课堂 内网穿透 tailscale 适合小白来搭建 不用搭建繁琐的云 ...
Tailscale和RD远程桌面的默契配合 MNIHYM 23:56 内网穿透工具ZeroTier配合搭建Moon服务器,Openwrt的Zerotier插件玩法,虚拟局域网走起!随时随地远程访问家中NAS和其它设备,远程桌面稳定 一瓶奶油 08:20 手把手教你白嫖!终身免费的爱快SDWAN组网,轻松实现远程办公,访问NAS ...
tailscale-android Project Url:tailscale/tailscale-android Introduction: Tailscale Android Client More:AuthorReportBugs Tags: Off- Private WireGuard® networks made easy Overview This repository contains the open source Tailscale Android client....
tailscale / tailscale-android Public Notifications Fork 474 Star 1.1k Files main .github .vscode android docker libtailscale backend.go callbacks.go interfaces.go localapi.go log.go multitun.go net.go notifier.go store.go syspolicy_handler.go tailscale.go vpnfacade.go metadata scripts tool ...