Tailscale 的私钥只会保存在当前节点,因此 DERP server 无法解密流量,它只能和互联网上的其他路由器一样,呆呆地将加密的流量从一个节点转发到另一个节点,只不过 DERP 使用了一个稍微高级一点的协议来防止滥用。 Tailscale 开源了 DERP 服务器的代码,如果你感兴趣,可以阅读DERP 的源代码。 Tailscale 官方内置了很多 ...
2、服务启动不了 failed to connect to local tailscaled (which appears to be running as tailscaled, pid 9773). Got error: Failed to connect to local Tailscale daemon for /localapi/v0/status; not running? Error: dial unix /var/run/tailscale/tailscaled.sock: connect: no such file or direc...
For users of Tailscale using macOS as server-like device, or that rely on the fast user switching feature, Tailscale running per-user makes it difficult to keep a persistent connection to a set of services. One user who wrote in mentioned they use one Tailscale account to back up iCloud ...
--unattended(Windows only) Run inunattended modewhere Tailscale keeps running even after the current user logs out.
{qrbool// 固定为falseresetbool// 固定为falseserverstringacceptRoutesboolacceptDNSboolsingleRoutesboolexitNodeIPstringexitNodeAllowLANAccessboolshieldsUpboolrunSSHbool// 固定为falseforceReauthbool// 固定为falseforceDaemonbooladvertiseRoutesstringadvertiseDefaultRoutebooladvertiseTagsstringsnatboolnetfilterModestring...
🐳 → docker logs-f derper2022/03/2611:36:28no config path specified;using/var/lib/derper/derper.key2022/03/2611:36:28derper:serving on:12345withTLS2022/03/2611:36:28runningSTUNserver on[::]:3478 目前derper 运行一段时间就会崩溃,暂时还没有更好的解决方案,只能通过定时重启来解决,比如通过 ...
Minecraft is a popular multiplayer game, in which players can connect to a Minecraft world hosted within one of the player's running game or can connect to a standalone server hosting a world. Without Tailscale, setting up a Minecraft server to be reachable from outside the home means either...
Return if the request was processed. return - } - - if s.devMode { - if strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/api/") { - // Pass through to other handlers via CSRF protection. - s.apiHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r) - return - } - // When in dev mode, proxy to the Vite dev server....
By default, the Tailscale server installs itself as a Windows Service. That way, it starts automatically whenever your computer boots and runs unattended in the background: But running as a service may not be enough. What happens if Tailscale crashes? Or if someone accidentally stops the...
re actively transferring data through the mesh network. Leaving my phone unplugged with a full charge at night with the app running will drain the battery by 10-30% in 7 hours. Battery drain without Tailscale installed is <10%. After checking the Tailscale forums this seems to be a common...