the QNAP package is at the Chocolatey packaging is at For background on which parts of Tailscale are open source and why, see ...
When rebooting a QNAP device, the Tailscale service appears to fail to properly start. This is seen when attempting to reach the device from another Tailscale-connected node (e.g.,tailscale ping) or by viewing the Tailscale partner page in the QNAP webUI. Reported fromgo/tss-44413Reproduced ...
部署步骤:Github release页面:关注后私信索取哦!1、在Release页面下载对应的.qpkg文件,如我的是X86架构的,就选择带_X86后缀的版本。如:Tailscale_v1.34.1_x86_64.qpkg 2、下载好后再QNAP的APP Center选择手动安装刚下载好的.qpkg文件 3、参考上面的QNAP NAS开启 SSH这链接使用FinalShell登录NAS的SSH 4、获...
Hi there, I recently installed Tailscale 1.36.1 from the qpkg provided here on my QNAP NAS TVS-471 running firmware 5.0.1. Immediately following this installation via the web console to connect it to Tailscale, the NAS stopped responding...
情况类似,在 QNAP NAS 与路由器处于同一子网 且 路由器开启通告子网路由advertise-routes=时,开启 NAS 端accept-routes会出现问题(具体原因未知,猜测是 Tailscale 远端路由和 NAS 本地路由重叠造成冲突),尝试禁用 NAS 端accept-routes: exportPATH=$PATH:$(getcfg SHARE_DEF defVolMP -f /etc/co...
QNAP NAS部署Tailscale 注:QNAP版本的Tailscale是由社区成员开发并维护 github地址直接在搜索引擎搜索:tailscale-qpkg 正确的网址应该如我这张图 这里并不会详细讲如何部署(少贴图),因为在原文已经讲的较为清楚,我仅会把原文的安装步骤大致翻译下。 需要准备以下内容: ...
Pages 43 Home 1.32.0 1.34.0 1.36.0 1.38.0 1.40.0 1.40.1 1.42.0 1.44.0 1.46.0 1.50 release notes 1.52.0 1.54.0 All Platforms Linux Windows macOS iOS QNAP 1.56.0 1.58.0 Show 28 more pages… Clone this wiki locally...
git clone cd tailscale ./tool/go run ./cmd/dist build qnap The build depends on Docker. All other build dependencies are downloaded in the Docker containers. If everything worked you should have a directory calleddistthat contains the QPKG files. ...
TRACK ?= stable # QNAP has a upper limit of 10 characters for the version. # For unstable builds we might have 1.X.YYYY-Z TSTAG ?= 1.34.1 TSTAG ?= 1.34.2 QNAPTAG ?= 1 .PHONY: fetch 0 comments on commit ebc5fee Please sign in to comment. Footer...
support Unraid as a NAS platform similar to how Synology and QNAP are handled Kubernetes add support for priorityClassName Pages 43 Home 1.32.0 1.34.0 1.36.0 1.38.0 1.40.0 1.40.1 1.42.0 WIP 1.42.0 release notes News All platforms Linux Windows macOS iOS Unraid...