= m.hostname {returnnil, fmt.Errorf("cert mismatch with hostname: %q", hi.ServerName) }// 改为func(m *manualCertManager)getCertificate(hi *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate,error) {// if hi.ServerName != m.hostname {// return nil, fmt.Errorf("cert mismatch with hostname:...
if hi.ServerName != m.hostname { return nil, fmt.Errorf("cert mismatch with hostname: %q", hi.ServerName) } // 改为 func (m *manualCertManager) getCertificate(hi *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) { // if hi.ServerName != m.hostname { // return nil, fmt.Error...
derp修改路径为tailscale\cmd\derper\cert.go func(m*manualCertManager)getCertificate(hi*tls.ClientHelloInfo)(*tls.Certificate,error){// 这块是修改部分,注释掉校验// if hi.ServerName != m.hostname {// return nil, fmt.Errorf("cert mismatch with hostname: %q", hi.ServerName)// }// Return...
>nano cert.go#在前面加//号注析掉以下几条://ifhi.ServerName !=m.hostname{//returnnil, fmt.Errorf("cert mismatch with hostname: %q", hi.ServerName)//}#保存,然后就地重新编译,输出到~/go/bin进行覆盖:>go build -o ~/go/bin 生成域名证书用于启动derper,域名暂定your.domain.com >cd ~/...
=m.hostname{//returnnil, fmt.Errorf("cert mismatch with hostname: %q", hi.ServerName)//}# 编译并输出到/etc/derp/go build -o /etc/derp/derper# 查看是否存在derper文件cd/rootls/etc/derp# 自签域名(derp.myself.com可随意编写,命令中四处需要一致)openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -...
I have a cert mismatch with hostname problem when using Nginx proxy #7309 zhijun commented on Dec 31, 2024 zhijun on Dec 31, 2024 It's fine that Derper is not supposed to run behind Nginx, however it's arguable that it strongly require port 443 and 80. Usually users run multiple app...
func(m *manualCertManager)getCertificate(hi *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate,error) {//if hi.ServerName != m.hostname {// return nil, fmt.Errorf("cert mismatch with hostname: %q", hi.ServerName)//}returnm.cert,nil}
Exit node suggestion CLI command now prints the hostname (which you can use with the tailscale set command). Taildrive share paths configured through the CLI resolve relative to where you run the tailscale command. Linux Switching from unstable to stable tracks using the tailscale update command ...
🐳 → docker run--restart always \--name derper-p12345:12345-p3478:3478/udp \-v/root/.acme.sh/xxxx/:/app/certs \-eDERP_CERT_MODE=manual \-eDERP_ADDR=12345\-eDERP_DOMAIN=xxxx \-d ghcr.io/yangchuansheng/derper:latest 有几点需要注意: ...
regionname:HuaweiShanghai nodes: -name:901a regionid:901 hostname:xxxx ipv4:xxxx stunport:3478 stunonly:false derpport:12345 配置说明: regions是 YAML 中的对象,下面的每一个对象表示一个可用区,每个可用区里面可设置多个 DERP 节点,即nodes。