In Cataclysm Classic, new tailoring trainers can be found in major cities across Azeroth. For the Horde, players can visit Leyweaver Aurielle in Orgrimmar, and for the Alliance, Georgio Bolero in Stormwind offers training services. These trainers can teach you the latest patterns and tech...
In Outlands, your Master trainers will be in your faction’s first garrison, with all the other profession trainers. For Alliance players, the trainer is Hama at Honor Hold, and for the Horde, Dalinna will do the same.Specializations
This table shows the different recipes that are available through vendors to get from 275 to 300. This table shows who and where the different vendors are for the previously mentioned recipe's. The vendors are neutral to both Horde and Alliance. This table shows the material needed to get fr...