摘要: Reports on the promotion of George Montgomery to president and chief executive officer of Taylor Made Golf. Predecessor; Comments of Gilles Descamps, board chairman of parent company, Salomon SA on Montgomery's appointment; Role of Montgomery on the company's success. 年份: 1996 收藏...
1 : made by a tailor or with a tailor's care and style 2 : made or fitted especially to a particular use or purpose 3 : factory made rather than hand-rolled tailor-made cigarettes tailor-made 2 of 2 noun : one that is tailor-made specifically : a woman's garment styled for...
As I watched the Gazza documentary on Monday night I couldn't help thinking back to another...Skinner, Frank
The meaning of TAILOR is a person whose occupation is making or altering garments (such as suits, jackets, and dresses) typically to fit a particular person. How to use tailor in a sentence.
17.Atailor, hatter and barber made sure he was well presented, while a chimney sweep and a coalman kept his fire going. 17.此外,还分别有一名裁缝、制帽师和理发师专门负责他的外表仪容。另有一名扫烟囱工人和送煤工人负责为他照看炉火。
Le Lifestyle : Un Art de Vivre Personnalisé et Moderne parLian Voyager en Chine : Découverte d’un Pays Fascinant et Diversifié parLian La Cuisine Chinoise : Un Voyage à Travers les Saveurs et les... parLian La Culture et les Traditions : Un Héritage en Évolution ...
All our specialists have travelled extensively or lived in their specialist regions The same specialist will handle your trip from start to finish Make the most of your time and budget Make the difference between a good trip and an outstanding one ...
Optimized dosing regimens for specific drugs may then serve as a basis to develop dosing guidelines for existing or newly developed drugs with similar disposition and/or effect. In addition to modeling of drug disposition (PK) pathways, we emphasize the need for modeling of effect (PD) pathways...
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A person who makes, repairs, or alters clothes professionally, especially suits and men's clothing. [..] + 添加翻译 英文-庫爾德語字典 cildirû Wikiferheng dirwar Wikiferheng dirûnkar Wikiferheng 不太频繁的翻译 dirûvan terzî xeyat qezaz 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ ta...