Pintail Snipes - Gallinago stenura (0.30 +- 0.10 birds/ha), Olive-winged Bulbul - Pycnonotus plumosus (0.29 +- 0.18 birds/ha),Common Tailorbird- Orthotomus sutorius (0.26 +- 0.11 birds/ha), Black-crowned Nightheron - Nycticorax nycticorax (0.23 +- 0.14 birds/ha) and Grey Heron - Ar...
15. Black Panther Source: Black Panther is one of Marvel’s most popular superheroes, and his logo has remained mostly unchanged over the years. Instead of using letters, the logo is his famous panther mask, making it instantly recognizable and packing a punch with its simplic...