current tailings dam design and construction methods: klohn, e j min engng, v33, n7, july 1981, p798–808International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstractsdoi:10.1016/0148-9062(82)91830-7None
Figure5shows a TD abandoned more than 50 years ago, which stores Pb–Zn tailings from a sulphide-rich deposit (Table S-1). Its geotechnical stability has been affected by actions such as the construction of a drainage trench inside the basin and in the dam (Fig.5b–d). Actions that fai...
1C). Centreline, hybrid, and single raise construction methods are the next most common. In-pit/natural landform, and dry-stacked are the least common facility types. Owing to their historical popularity, upstream facilities make-up 43 per cent of facilities that are inactive, closed or ...
“Valorization of Tailings for Circular Economy” [Decision number 306079]; and European Commission Horizon 2020 project NEMO “Near-zero-waste recycling of low-grade sulphidic mining waste for critical-metal, mineral and construction raw-material production in a circular economy” [Grant Agreement ...
Notwithstanding the risk-based design focus, the design nevertheless also achieves a cost-effective solution in utilising the large quantities of available un-mineralised mine rock as its primary construction material. P 10 of 105 OLYMPIC DAM EXPANSION PROJECT Tailings Storage Facili...
Mining companies should be encouraged to rebalance their focus onto the non-technical aspects of TSF risks and the need to fully understand the social, human, environmental and reputational consequences of dam failures.
Huang B, Feng Q, An D, Zhang J (2020) Use of mine tailings as precast construction materials through alkali activation. Mining, Metall Explor 37:251–265. Article Google Scholar Been K (2016) Characterizing mine tailings for geotechnical design....
Fan, W. Sun, Utilization of iron ore tailings as fine aggregate in ultra-high performance concrete, Construction and Building Materials 50 (2014) 540-548. [29] B.S. Thomas, A. Damare, R.C. Gupta, Strength and durability char- acteristics of copper tailing concrete, Construction and ...
Traditional methods of soil reinforcement such as chemical grouting and pre-compaction consolidation generally have disadvantages such as high energy consumption, long construction period, high cost and high pollution. Under this background, microbial induced calcium carbonate deposition precipitation (MICP)...