tail wags the dog 读音:美英 tail wags the dog基本解释 尾巴摇狗;尾巴在摇狗 分词解释 tail尾 wagsweighted agreement scores 加权的协议分数v. (使)摇动,摇摆( wag的第三人称单数 ) dog公狗 tail wags the dog是什么意思 tail wags the dog怎么读 tail wags the dog在线翻译 tail wags the dog中文意思...
英文翻译:thetailwagthedog,是什么意思? 答案 那只狗摇着尾巴 相关推荐 1 英文翻译:thetailwagthedog,是什么意思? 反馈 收藏
blog.sina.com.cn|基于4个网页 2. 尾大不掉 ...商间流量计费都是当初为正在快速萎缩的语音网络而制定的,已经不适应目前的情况。谷歌称此种情况为“尾大不掉”(Tail Wag… tech.hexun.com|基于2个网页 例句
the tail wags the dog 读音:美英 the tail wags the dog基本解释 st.小人物掌权;小人得势 分词解释 tail尾 wagsweighted agreement scores 加权的协议分数v. (使)摇动,摇摆( wag的第三人称单数 ) dog公狗
美国不许台湾“尾巴摇狗”英语谚语中有“尾巴摇狗”(The tail wags the dog)一说,放进国际政治中,指弱小的一方利用强大一方的矛盾,合纵连横施展外交技巧,倚仗地缘政治优势或摆出玉石俱焚的架势,也可以玩弄其于股掌之间。这本是求生之道,但若是误判形势,自不量力,就有可能进退失据,引火上身。民进党...
let the tail wag the dog的原意是“让尾巴摇狗”,而事实中应该是狗摇尾巴,这句话属于俗语,意思是指非重要事物占据主导地位,可翻译为“反客为主,本末倒置”。
the tail (is) wagging the ˈdog (also let the tail wag the ˈdog) used to describe a situation where a small, unimportant thing controls a larger, more important thing:In this company the workers tell the manager what he can and cannot do. It’s a real case of the tail wagging ...
The article discusses studies related to tail injuries in dogs. The studies focused on the consequences of docking and not docking dogs. As part of one study, an online survey of tail injuries was carried out in working gundogs and terriers in Scotland during the 2010/2011 shooting season. ...
你好!It is the tail wagging the dog.这只是个单句,不是复合句。这个句子语意不通,建议更改为 It is the dog wagging the tail 或 It is the dog with the tail wagging 一条摇着尾巴的狗。
It shows growing maturity... to what makes the world' s fuckingtail wag Az ilyen érettségtől megy mindig előre ez a veszett világ opensubtitles2 When you get beaten up, you come to Radhe Mohan with yourtail wagging? Amikor megvertek, jöttél Radhe Mohanhozfarkcsóválva?