By default, if no options are specified, thetailcommand prints the last 10 lines of a file to standard output. Specify the file path and the command shows the end of the file. For example: The command outputs the last ten lines from the specified file. Print Specific Number of Lines Use...
Example 2:Now what about you are interested in just the last 3 lines of a file, or maybe interested in the last 15 lines of a file. this is when the -n option comes handy, to choose specific number of lines instead of the default 10. tail -n <number_of_lines> /path/to/file Ex...
Suppose you want to display a specific number of lines and not the default 10 lines. To achieve this, use the-n flagfollowed by the number of lines. For example, to display the last 5 lines. To do so, invoke the command: $ tail -n 5 asian_countries.txt 3) Print filename header ...
Print the Last N Number of Lines In a situation where you do not want to print the last 10 lines, but a specific number, you can use the-noption to achieve that. To print the last four lines of the numbers.txt file, execute this command: tail-n4numbers.txt The result: seventeen ei...
Limit tail Command Output by Number of Bytes While the tail command on Linux is typically used to print lines, you can also limit it to a specific number of bytes by using the “-c BYTES” option. Selecting the number of bytes that the tail tool returns has a variety of use cases, ...
The distance, in points, from the margin of a text container to the end of lines. C# 複製 public virtual nfloat TailIndent { [Foundation.Export("tailIndent")] get; [Foundation.NotImplemented] set; } Property Value nfloat Attributes ExportAttribute NotImplementedAttribute Remarks (More ...
code <String> - Static value of ETAIL meta <Object> - Additional metadata added for context actual <Error> - The actual error that was thrown, e.g. from a stream When an error happens that is specific to TailFile, it cannot emit an error event without causing the main stream to ...
with a variety of gaits described by a specific classification2. Despite the complexity of treating each case separately, the kinematics of underwater undulatory swimmers can be captured to first order with a few parameters such as the wavelength of the deformationλ, the tail beat amplitudeAand ...
This kubectl command retrieves the logs of a specific container. The “-c” option lets you specify the container name, which is very helpful when you’re running more than one container in the pod. All Containers Kubectl logs podname -n namespace –all-containers=true ...
First, many of the non-Gaussian option pricing models can be too “ad hoc” to be applicable in the real world. By merely focusing on specific market situations or strongly relying on “too-strong” pre-assumptions, one may lose the feasibility and generality of the pricing models, thereby ...