VLC - Free media player, works pretty well. Foobar2000 - Free audio player for Windows, supports a wide range of audio formats and has a lot of cool features. Exact Audio Copy - Transfer files from your CDs to your PC in almost every format.Comes with some pretty nifty features too...
Open the locally saved video in a player that supports global hotkeys (e.g. VLC). If you haven't yet, set up hotkeys for pausing, resuming and rewinding the video. Open Notepad and type out the subtitles, using the global hotkeys to control the video without having to switch between...
演示环境centos7nginx-1.8.1nginx-rtmp-moduleobsstudiovlcmediaplayer搭建nginx-rtmp直播服务器-OBS录制推流-VLC视频流播放首先编译安装nginx[root@localhost~]#tarxvfnginx-1.8.1.tar.gz[root@localhost~]#unzipnginx-rtmp-module-master.zip 直播 obs推流 ...
演示环境centos7nginx-1.8.1nginx-rtmp-moduleobsstudiovlcmediaplayer搭建nginx-rtmp直播服务器-OBS录制推流-VLC视频流播放首先编译安装nginx[root@localhost~]#tarxvfnginx-1.8.1.tar.gz[root@localhost~]#unzipnginx-rtmp-module-master.zip 直播 obs推流 ...
方法一:需借助 VLC Media Player 软件完成 需要线下摄像团队给出一路rtmp或其他可播放格式的视频流地址; 下载并打开VLC media player(opens in a new tab); 点击左上角“媒体” - “打开网络串流” - 选择“网络” - 输入地址即可播放。 登录瑶台,将 VLC 的播放画面进行投屏操作,在瑶台大屏播放 ...