text/html; charset=utf-8 ; TST Tai-Saw technology major producer and developer of parts and modules used in SAW and Crystal, professional manufacturing company. TST is now recognized as the leading SAW device supplier in Taiwan, as well as the key
11. 所有製程與活動均符合法規要求。 12. 加強緊急事件之防範,並防杜意外災害之發生。
105年01月於韓國擴增 CSP SAW Filter產能。 104年01月榮獲2015台灣精品獎。 99年07月台灣嘉碩及無錫工廠, 廠房擴建及設備擴充。 98年07月成立 SNT INC. (Korea office), 強化通訊元件銷售通路。 98年06月台灣嘉碩通過 AEC-Q200 認證, 同時於中國大陸成立TFE公司OCXO 事業部。
台灣嘉碩為國內主要兼具開發與生產表面聲波(SAW: Surface Acoustic Wave)及體波(BAW: Bulk Resonator) 頻率元件專業製造公司, 秉持 [ 節能環保,追求綠色永續 ] 之環境管理政策,除提供並持續改善員工安全與健康的工作環境外,並持續改善流程,降低不良、減少浪費, 並致力於環境之節能及減廢。我們堅信藉由環安衛管理系統...
text/html; charset=utf-8 ; TST Tai-Saw technology major producer and developer of parts and modules used in SAW and Crystal, professional manufacturing company. TST is now recognized as the leading SAW device supplier in Taiwan, as well as the key
No.產品名稱 / 產品別報告號碼報告日期檢測項目檢測單位報告檔案 1SAW SMD ProductsETR2440336504/23/2024RoHS2.0+Halogen+PFOA+PFOSSGS 2Quartz Crystal DevicesETR2440336604/23/2024RoHS2.0+Halogen+PFOA+PFOSSGS 3SMD Products SAW Crystal SeriesCC/2017/B016811/27/2017REACH 174SGS 品質系統 > 品質政策 >...
TST is now recognized as the leading SAW (surface acoustic wave) device supplier in Taiwan, as well as the key OEM/ODM supplier of SAW device in the world. While firmly committed to its core strength in the manufacturing and design of the SAW devices, since early 2001 TST has expanded ...
text/html; charset=utf-8 ; TST Tai-Saw technology major producer and developer of parts and modules used in SAW and Crystal, professional manufacturing company. TST is now recognized as the leading SAW device supplier in Taiwan, as well as the key
text/html; charset=utf-8 ; TST Tai-Saw technology major producer and developer of parts and modules used in SAW and Crystal, professional manufacturing company. TST is now recognized as the leading SAW device supplier in Taiwan, as well as the key
Based on job requirement, provides instruction, brief of processes and procedures. We will hold related training courses for those jobs/vacancies that need qualification. On the job training We make yearly training plan to enhance employees’ management or job skills. Management training To cope ...