When I teach in person at a gym, I sometimes play indoor walking workouts for my clients, prior to the tai chi or yoga class. The facility has an overhead projector system. I’m able to use the cord again, and “cast” onto the large theatre display, using their bluetooth connection ...
Chimei Museum 7.4公里 Nearby landmarks Tainan City Council 190公尺 Carrefour 340公尺 Tainan City Government 380公尺 Tainan National Immigration Agency 580公尺 Leezen 840公尺 Baoan Market 970公尺 Shuipingwun Park 990公尺 Winston’s Cardiovascular Clinic 1.0公里 Black Bridge Sausage Museum 1.0公里 Anping...
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Tai Chi Ruler Qigong Seminar. Instructional DVD or VHS, 1 hours. Transmitted down by the Imperial family and Daoist advocates over the centuries from teacher to student. This traditional 13 movements set is revealed here by Yaron Seidman to the world. This is a Taiji Ruler Gong seminar format...