Tahlequah contains 6 schools and 3,607 students. The district’s minority enrollment is 80%. Also, 43.6% of students are economically disadvantaged. Schools in the District preschools 1 elementary schools 3 middle schools 1 high schools 1 Browse schools PreschoolsElementary SchoolsMiddle SchoolsHigh...
Graduate enrollment:1,216 Student-to-faculty ratio:21 生源构成比例 大一新生 : 3%Part-time students 95%In-state students 5%Out-of-state students 47%Men 53%Women 40%American Indian or Alaska Native 1%Non-Resident Alien 47%White 2%Hispanic/Latino ...
Schools Contact the school or district directly to verify enrollment eligibility. Nearby schoolsElementaryMiddleHighPrivate RatingSchool nameGradesTypeStudentsReviewsDistance 4 Greenwood Elementary School K - 5 public 494 1 reviews 1.1 mi 8 Tahlequah Middle School 6 - 8 public 691 N/A 1.9 mi 5 Tahle...