Simmonds J, Scott P, Brinton J, Mestre TC, Bush M, Del Blanco A, Dubcovsky J, Uauy C (2016) A splice acceptor site mutation in TaGW2-A1 increases thousand grain weight in tetraploid and hexaploid wheat through wider and longer grains. Theor Appl Genet 129:1099-1112. doi:10.1007/s00122...
Excel数据公式大全 | match函数是Excel中的一个查找函数,它的主要作用是返回指定数值在指定数组区域中的位置。 今日通过match函数得出对应学生的对应科目所在行与列,公式如下:姓名所在行的公式为:=MATCH(V2,A1:A6),科目所在列的公式为:=MATCH(W2,A1:E1,0),需要注意的是列公式的匹配类型要精确匹配,所以要填写“...
A splice acceptor site mutation in TaGW2-A1 increases thousand grain weight in tetraploid and hexaploid wheat through wider and longer grains. Theor. Appl. Genet. 129(6): 1099-1112.Simmonds J, Scott P, Brinton J, Mestre TC, Bush M, Blanco A, Dubcovsky J , Uauy C (2016) A splice ...
Y.LiuQiingentaconnectTheoretical & Applied GeneticsZhai, H. J., Feng, Z. Y., Du, X. F., Song, Y. E., Liu, X. Y., Qi, Z. Q., et al. (2018). A novel allele of TaGW2-A1 is located in a finely mapped QTL that increases grain weight but decreases grain number in wheat ...
(2018). A novel allele of TaGW2-A1 is located in a finely mapped QTL that increases grain weight but decreases grain number in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 131, 539-553. doi: 10.1007/s00122- 017-3017-yZhai, H., Feng, Z., Du, X., Song, Y., Liu, X.,...
(30.00 g),均未检测到等位变异.252份小麦材料中,含有TaCwi-A1,Ta Sus2-2B和TaGW2-6A基因等位变异的材料37份,占供试材料总数的14.7%,其中TaCwi-A1基因等位变异类型材料12份(包括TaCwi-A1a变异类型8份,Ta Cwi-A1b变异类型4份),占供试材料总数的4.8%;TaSus2-2B基因等位变异类型材料16份(包括TaSus2-2B...
(2018). A novel allele of TaGW2-A1 is located in a finely mapped QTL that increases grain weight but decreases grain number in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 131, 539-553. doi: 10.1007/s00122- 017-3017-yZhai, H., Feng, Z., Du, X., Song, Y., Liu, X.,...