TagMaster is a leading producer of advanced RFID products & ANPR cameras for long range vehicle identification in Traffic and Rail Solutions.
TagMaster North America, Inc.is a leading provider of Intelligent Identification solutions across many different markets and verticals, offering dual technologies including long-range Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and License Plate Recognition (LPR). TagMaster NA addresses a wide range of challeng...
TagMaster is an application-driven technology company that designs and markets advanced identification systems and solutions based on radio and vision technology (RFID & ANPR), for use in demanding environments. Headquarters Location Kronborgsgränd 11, S-164 46 Kista, Sweden Suggest an edit ...
TagMaster North America, your trusted source for cutting-edge Vehicle ID solutions. Discover RFID and LPR products for superior performance!
TagMaster AB的股票在瑞典斯德哥尔摩挂牌交易。 TagMaster AB的股票代码是什么? TagMaster AB的股票代码是“TAGMb。” TagMaster AB的市值是多少? 截至今天,TagMaster AB的市值是221.18M。 TagMaster AB的每股收益(EPS)是多少? TagMaster AB的每股收益(EPS)是0.318。 TagMaster AB的下一财报日是哪天? TagMas...
盖世汽车讯 据外媒报道,交通和铁路智能城市数据解决方案和先进传感器系统供应TagMaster宣布已通过其美国子公司Sensys Networks收购美国明尼苏达州公司Image Sensing Systems(ISS)的雷达部门,收购价格约为480万美元。 图片来源:TagMaster ISS是Autoscope Technologies Corporation的全资子公司,也是智能交通系统(ITS)视频和雷达车辆...
商标名称TAGMASTER 申请号7182471国际分类9类-科学仪器商标分类表 商标状态已注册申请日期2009-01-24 申请人泰玛斯股份有限公司 TAGMASTER AB查看此申请人的商标分析报告 代理机构北京邦信阳专利商标代理有限公司查看此代理机构下的所有商标 商标类型普通商标是否共有商标否 ...
The TagMaster North America brochure on UHF RFID covers our unique strengths for related applications as well as our current offering of UHF readers, tags, and software. View PDF Microwave RFID The TagMaster North America brochure on Microwave RFID covers our unique strengths for related applica...
Tagmaster has kicked off the year by joining LCRIG (Local Council Roads Innovation Group) in the UK. LCRIG is a growing community of over 350 members...
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