Consider business cards, email signatures, your website, social media profiles, and any printed marketing material. What information should your tagline communicate? Consider what you do, or for whom, or how your customers benefit from working with you. When you must have a tagline One specific...
2.another name forpunchline Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 tagline A line attached to a draft of cargo or container to provide control and minimize pendulation of...
You can also add your new tagline to your website or business cards with Namecheap’s Visual tools, designed to make creative services accessible and easy for all businesses. Photo by Brian Lundquist on Unsplash Tips for a great business tagline Creating a tagline can be a tall order — ...
Whether you’restarting a photography businessor looking to jazz up yourphotography business’ brandingwith a new tagline, you’ll find plenty of inspiration right here. Below, we’ll look at 141 photography slogans for business cards, websites, social media, and other marketing materials. ...
Business cards/stationery “Maximize the reach and effectiveness of your slogan or tagline with these simple tips. #slogan #tagline #businessmarketing”Click to Tweet Frequently Asked Questions What are taglines in articles? Taglines in articles are short, catchy phrases that summarize the main messa...
A brief but strong few words can go a long way in advertisements, videos, posters, business cards, swag, and other places. 2. It includes a key benefit. Ever heard the marketing advice, “Sell the sizzle, not the steak”? It means sell the benefits, not the features — which applies...
A brief but strong few words can go a long way in advertisements, videos, posters, business cards, swag, and other places. 2. It includes a key benefit. Ever heard the marketing advice, “Sell the sizzle, not the steak”? It means sell the benefits, not the features — which applies...
There is no gene for the human spirit.Gattaca (1997) The mob is tough, but it’s nothing like show business.Get Shorty (1995) Who ya gonna call?Ghostbusters (1984) Death holds the mortgage, and if you try to move in...there’ll be Hell to pay!Ghosthouse (a.k.a. La Casa 3) ...
Communicate your company's mission and personality clearly to your designers to cut the need for revisions. Where to Use Your Logo Your logo should be printed on all your promotional materials, letterhead and business cards. It should be on your company's website and can be attached to all...
“I don’t have a six-pack, but I’m good at playing cards. Are you my queen of hearts?” “Loses socks frequently. If you’re good at finding things, we could be a match.” “The only thing lower than my standards is my internet speed.” ...