Death Message 🔵🔵🔵🔵🟡🟡 Death Message is working for any entities like pet dies and player dies. Linking word rule is applied in this translation . Ex: pinatay ng %attacker si %victim ⬆ Updated: Talupak - Husk 🔴🔴🔴🔴🟡 ...
for the powdery cone of darkness and its just-enough dusting of sugar,for the succulent body that will soon disappear.Faithfully we serve, preparing the feast presided overby the shadow of Death. And yet, how beguiling! The promise of fullness cupped...
If she wished to kill someone, she did so by her magic wand. She could also prolong death, even for a number of months, by simply binding to the waist of her patient a live serpent which was believed to be her real self or at least her substance. The second agent of Sitan was cal...