The HTML li tag is used to define a list item in ordered, unordered, or menu lists. It is a child of the ul (unordered list), ol (ordered list), or menu elements.
Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, PHP, Bootstrap, Java, XML and more.
compact compact Not supported in HTML5. Specifies that the list should render smaller than normal reversed reversed Specifies that the list order should be descending (9,8,7...) start number Specifies the start value of an ordered list type 1 A a I i Specifies the kind of marker to use...
Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, PHP, Bootstrap, Java, XML and more.
HTML <body> HTML <br> HTML <button> HTML <canvas> HTML <caption> HTML <cite> HTML <code> HTML <col> HTML <colgroup> HTML <data> HTML <datalist> HTML <dd> HTML <del> HTML <details> HTML <div> HTML <dl> HTML <dt> HTML <em> HTML <embed> HTML ...
The HTML <ol> tag is used to create an ordered list of items, typically represented by numbers, letters or Roman numerals. Each item in the list is enclosed within the <li> tags, that define individual list elements.The ordered lists are useful for displaying sequential information, such as...
4 Attributes of <ul> HTML Tag Code Example <p>Unordered list items:</p> <ul> <li>Arranged in any order</li> <li>Will still make sense</li> </ul> Unordered list items: Arranged in any order Will still make sense All About Lists You might not know this, but web developers love ...
HTML CSS Scripting DatabaseHTML <datalist> TagThe HTML <datalist> tag represents a set of option elements that represent predefined options for other controls.The tag can be used for providing an "autocomplete" feature on form elements. It lets you provide a list of predefined options to the...
TagProduct - List By Tags 参考 反馈 服务: API Management API 版本: 2024-05-01 列出与标记关联的产品集合。 HTTP 复制 试用 GET{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/productsByTags?api...
HTML <body> HTML <br> HTML <button> HTML <canvas> HTML <caption> HTML <cite> HTML <code> HTML <col> HTML <colgroup> HTML <data> HTML <datalist> HTML <dd> HTML <del> HTML <details> HTML <div> HTML <dl> HTML <dt> HTML <em> HTML <embed> HTML ...