Form表单Form Validation表单校验FormikReact Hook Formschema-typed 数据模型 Data Entry AutoComplete自动完成控件Cascader级联选择器CascadeTree级联树CheckPicker多项选择器CheckTreePicker树形多项选择器CheckTree树形多选控件Checkbox复选框Input输入框InputNumber数字输入框InputPicker输入选择器InlineEdit行内编辑MultiCascader级联...
npm install --save react-tag-input or via Yarnyarn add react-tag-inputmake sure you have installed the peer dependencies as well with 👇 versions"react": "^18.2.0", "react-dnd": "^14.0.2", "react-dnd-html5-backend": "^14.0.0", "react-dom": "^18.2.0" ...
如图,input框可填写多个值,每个值以Tag标签的形式展示,每个标签可以新增和删除,自动过滤重复的标签。还能结合from表单,做必填值的验证。 如果没有值,提交表单的时候,会提示错误。 话不多说,直接上代码: 这个是selfTag.js: import {Input, Tag, Tooltip} from 'antd'; import React, { Component } from'react...
A simple react component for inputting tags with a mix of text. Latest version: 1.3.4, last published: a year ago. Start using react-mix-tag-input in your project by running `npm i react-mix-tag-input`. There are no other projects in the npm registry usi
此特性继承至 Input 输入框组件。 禁用状态: Vue React Miniprogram 只读状态: Vue React Miniprogram 这是普通文本提示 成功状态: Vue React Miniprogram 校验通过文本提示 告警状态: Vue React Miniprogram 校验不通过文本提示 错误状态: Vue React Miniprogram 校验存在严重问题文本提示 不同主题的标签输入框 使用...
react-reactdatetime一个轻量级但是完整的日期时间选择器react组件 react-datetime - 一个轻量级但是完整的日期时间选择器react组件 上传者:weixin_39840650时间:2019-08-15 react-reacttagsinput一个用于标签输入的简单react组件 react-tagsinput - 一个用于标签输入的简单react组件 ...
Basic Tag Input Box Vue React1 Controlled: Vue React2 UnControlled: Vue React3 Input box with more tags Use excessTagsDisplayType to control the rendering method when the tag exceeds:Horizontal scroll display and line-feed display. The default is line-feed display. Scroll: Vue React Vu...
constinsertNode=(node:Element,range:Range)=>{range&&range.deleteContents();range&&range.insertNode(node);handleInput();};constaddTag=(text:string,range:Range)=>{consttag=(<div id='textarea_tag'className='textarea_tag'>{text}</div>);constcomponentString=ReactDOMServer.renderToString(tag);const...
constapi=useRef(null)<ReactTagsref={api}/><buttontype="button"onClick={()=>api.current.input.focus()}>Focus input</button> Removes cursor focus from the input. Moves cursor focus to the input. A getter/setter for the input value. If attempting to set a non-string value it will be ...
During the build, process.env.REACT_APP_SECRET_CODE will be replaced with the current value of the REACT_APP_SECRET_CODE environment variable. Remember that the NODE_ENV variable will be set for you automatically. When you load the app in the browser and inspect the <input>, you will see...