1. 登录GitHub账号并进入所要打tag的仓库页面。2. 点击仓库页面上方的“Releases”标签页。3. 在“Releases”页面中,你可以选择点击“Draft a new release”或者“Create a new release”按钮来创建新的发布,或者选择点击已有的发布版本进行编辑。4. 如果选择创建新的发布,你需要填写该版本的tag信息。在“Tag vers...
解答 每一个tag被push到远端的tag都会创建一个release point,但是这个节点并非整整的release。 release只会在你给一个tag加上release note(显式的在界面上点击Draft A new release)才会被创建 image.png 但是其实真正的release的样式和tag是完全不一样的, 但是虽然样式不一样还是会带来很多疑惑。 所以github有改变...
AGitrelease is a GitHub object that helps show official program versions on your project page. The object allows showing a specific commit point, a Git tag, with a release status. Managing releases is an easy and straightforward process performed on the GitHub website. This guide shows how to...
As a latest feature, Tagaa also allows for easy uploads to the https://kusubooru.com server. Usage Download the latest release for your platform. Place the executable into a folder with images and launch. (Note: You might be asked to give the program permission to run.) You might see ...
Git 删除github上某个tag/release github中删除release/tag只能在命令执行,不能界面点击操作 git tag -d [tag] git push origin :[tag] 例子: 删除一个 v1.0.0 的release版本 git tag -d v1.0.0 git push origin :v1.0.0
当一个npm包功能开发完毕之后,想要给别人用,就需要发布到npm中,同时在github中创建对应的tag和release。这并不是一件具有难度的工作,却极其麻烦和繁琐: 我总是在提交代码的时候忘记先发布到npm,这导致我需要额外的再修改一次version版本,然后发布,最后重新push ...
This is the in-progress code release for our paper, "TAG: Tracking at Any Granularity". [Paper] [Project Page] This repo will be populated with demos, evaluation scripts, dataset parsers, dataset preprocessors, and training scripts, in the weeks to come. Please contact Adam with anything urg...
{"git":{"commitMessage":"chore: release v${version}","commit":true,"tag":true,"push":true},"github":{"release":true},"npm":{"publish":false}} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 4.2 启用CI模式: ...
Sep 5, 2023GitLab Patch Release: 16.3.2 Aug 11, 2023GitLab Patch Release: 16.2.4 Aug 3, 2023GitLab Patch Release: 16.1.4 Aug 3, 2023GitLab Patch Release: 16.2.3 Jul 27, 2023GitLab Patch Release: 15.11.13 Jul 25, 2023GitLab Patch Release: 16.2.1 ...
release github labels automated continuos integration changelog alisowski •11.3.0•3 months ago•3dependents•MITpublished version11.3.0,3 months ago3dependentslicensed under $MIT 35,826 gtag Git tag shortcut cli-app git tag gtag ...