oer塔菲尔斜率拟合选取范围OER的塔菲尔斜率(Tafel slope)是指过电位与对数电流密度之间的斜率,是描述电化学反应速率的重要参数。在实际应用中,塔菲尔斜率的选取范围需要考虑多个因素,如催化剂的特性、电解液的组成和条件、反应条件等。 一般来说,较小的塔菲尔斜率表示较高的催化活性和更好的反应速率。在实际应用中,可以...
其中,η为过电势,i为电流密度,a和b为常数,其中b被称为塔菲尔斜率(Tafel slope),R为气体常数,T为温度,α为电子转移数,F为法拉第常数。通过对氢气的阴极析出过程的研究,塔菲尔使用上述经验公式第一次对电极动力学过程给出了定量的描述。虽然塔菲尔提出了电位与电流对数的线性关系方程,但是他并没有完全清楚这一发现...
η = a + blgi,其中η = U - U0,后面会得到b = 2.3RT/(αF)。η为过电势,i为电流密度,a和b为常数,其中b被称为塔菲尔斜率(Tafel Slope),R为气体常数,T为温度,α为电子转移系数,F为法拉第常数。通过对氢气的阴极析出过程的研究,塔菲尔使用上述经验公式第一次对电极动力学过程给出了定量的描述。虽然塔...
现在做OER和HER催化剂比较多,看这方面文献时我有些困惑,比如Tafel slope,其定义是指:发现在一定范围内,超电势(η)与电流密度(i)有如下关系:η=a+b*log|i|a、b称为塔菲尔常数,它们决定于电极材料、电极表面状态、温度和溶液组成等。因此我们可以通过测量log|i|-E的线性区来得到a和b,那么b即为Tafel斜率,...
Such high slopes may result from the presence of surface redox couples/functional groups which act as a barrier for OER on BDD. In this potential region, the Tafel slope depends strongly on the state of the electrode surface. In the high overpotential region (>1.2 V), the Tafel slope has...
通过对比文献中的Tafel slope数据,可以分析出不同晶面和测试条件下的电化学反应机理。例如,在0.5 M H2SO4中,Pt各个晶面的b都为30mV,意味着rds是Tafel step,且在rds之前的步骤电子转移数为2。在0.05 M H2SO4中,Pt(100)的HER机理是Heyrovsky-Volmer机理,而Pt(110)和(111)则可能是混合...
原本是做OER的,在OER的基础上测了下ORR,但是审稿人问题全是喷ORR的,半路出家新手,深入的问题完全不懂。1.The Tafel slope is related to the surface mechanism and can give insight into which of the reaction in Table s1 is rate-determining. The authors should justify their mechanisms and observations...
Microkinetic analyses of aqueous electrochemistry involving gaseous H2 or O2, i.e., hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR), oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER), are revisited. The Tafel slopes
This report addresses the theoretical description of the kinetics of these fundamental reactions (HER, HOR, ORR and OER) simply based on microkinetic analyses. Our aims were (1) to describe the depend- ence of the Tafel slope on the coverage of the formed surface species, e.g., M–H for...