14.Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE 15.University of Ballarat (TAFE Division)16.Victoria University (TAFE Division)17.William Angliss Institute of TAFE 18.Swinburne University of Technology (TAFE Division)19.The University of Melbourne Institute of Land and Food Resources (TAFE Division)西澳(Wester...
而维多利亚大学(Victoria University)表示将解雇99名教师,关闭活动策划、旅游、造船和动物学等课程。他们还希望政府允许其卖掉Sunbury校区。 斯威本称他们打算在明年7月1日前,停止一切Lilydale校区的大学和TAFE课程,而Prahran校区将在2014年1月关闭。 反对党领导人安德鲁斯(Daniel Andrews)评价这些文件时,认为它们是“离奇的...
438/9 Victoria Park Parade, Zetland, NSW 2017 Long stay 打開地圖 65 分鐘 43 分鐘 13 分鐘 即將推出於Student.com 檢閱房間 21 Willis St,Kingsford Long stay短租 打開地圖 88 分鐘 39 分鐘 18 分鐘 即將推出於Student.com 檢閱房間 Dalmeny avenue, Roseberry - DreamNest Long stay短租The apartment...
14.Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE 15.University of Ballarat (TAFE Division) 16.Victoria University (TAFE Division) 17.William Angliss Institute of TAFE 18.Swinburne University of Technology (TAFE Division) 19.The University of Melbourne Institute of Land and Food Resources (TAFE Division) 西澳...
University of SydneyUniversity of QueenslandUniversity of Melbourne Monash UniversityDeakin UniversityGriffith University Victoria UniversitySouthern Cross UniversitySunshine Coast University University of NewcastleAustralian National UniversityCanberra University
•TAFE Victoria •昆士兰TAFE学院 •TAFE南澳大利亚州 •TAFE西澳大利亚州 •TAFE塔斯马尼亚岛 •澳大利亚首都直辖区 根据TAFE课程的特点,适合选择TAFE课程的可以归纳为: 1.以“移民”为主要目的的学生,这个是选择TAFE课程的首要前提。由于大部分TAFE课程均针对当地紧缺职业开设,定向培养,因此移民职业评估分数...
(TAFE Division) Victoria University (TAFE Division) VU TAFE澳大利亚维多利亚tafe学院 William Angliss Institute of TAFE William Angliss Wodonga Institute of TAFE Wodonga TAFE Western Australia(WA) 西澳大利亚的TAFE院校 Central West College of TAFE CENTRAL WEST Challenger TAFE CENTRAL Curtin University of ...
17.Victoria University (TAFE Division)18.William Angliss Institute of TAFE19.Wodonga Institute of TAFEWestern Australia1.Central West College of TAFE2.Challenger TAFE3.Curtin University of Technology*4.CY O'Connor College of TAFE5.Great Southern TAFE6.Kimberley College of TAFE7.Pilbara TAFE8.South...
South Western Sydney Institute·Sydney Institute·Western Institute·Western Sydney Institute·Victoria (...
10、Swinburne University of Technology 中文名:斯威本科技大学 11、Victoria Polytechnic 12、William ...