作者: T Nsw 摘要: As part of the 'TAFE NSW: doing business in the 21st century' initiative (indexed at TD/LMR 86.58), TAFE NSW will be spending $1 million as the first phase of up-skilling over 10,000 TAFE staff over three years under the Workforce Development Guarantee. The TAFE ...
SERVICECHARTER Section6:PROOFOFIDENTITYCHECKLIST -3- TAFEWESTERN/DET~ANOVERVIEW TAFEWesternisgeographicallythe largestofthe10TAFENSWInstitutes, servicinganareaover50%ofthestate, butlessthanfivepercentofitstotal population.Thereare26campusesand morethan60associatedcentres.It coverstheCentralWest,NorthWestern and...