“If it weren’t for our lecturers in Cert III, Christof, Fitz, Darren, Lawrence, John, Deb, Chris P, and Bernie, we wouldn’t have made it to where we are today. Their passion and commitment to such young students proves to be a thriving environment to future graphic designers, ones...
TAFE NSW与雇主保持紧密合作,以确保学生能够掌握必备技能,从而在就业市场成为具备竞争力的人才。 新南威尔士公立TAFE幼儿教育专业申请途径 新州公立TAFE幼教专业本科升学途径(一) 0.5年Certificate 3(三级证书)+1年Diploma(文凭课程)+2.5年Bachelor(本科)=4年 优势1:入学门槛低,高三毕业,雅思要求均分6单项不低于5.5,...