Advanced certificatesintheAustralian Framework. Qualifications of or Dual oraccreditation recognition/accreditation:therecognition training an educationanda educationcurriculumor coursesboth training by recognition/accreditationauthority. materialsthathavebeen or oreducation by Endorsed:training approvedrecognized the...
Certificate IV Diploma Advanced DiplomaWe ensure to offer you the perfect solution by referencing several credible resources. Thus, our TAFE assignment experts work hard to prepare your TAFE assignment for each unit. Therefore, after relying on our brilliant team, you need not worry about the quali...
2004. Where are the women in vocational education and training? An assessment of technical and further education (TAFE) in Australia. In: Lakes, R.D.; Carter, P.A., eds. Globalizing education for work: comparative perspectives on gender and the new economy , pp. 153-68....
我国很多院校非常重视澳大利亚 TAFE 教育模式,例如把澳大利亚 VET 培训课 程作为提高教师职业素质的一种重要途径,通过与澳大利亚 VET 培训机构合办 TAE(TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training And Assessment,培训和评估四 级认证)班对自己的教师进行培训。TAE 是澳大利亚 TAFE 中的一部分,是澳 大利亚从事职业体系课程...
12000 每年 5500-18000 NSW Vocational Education and Training Sector: Temporary Visa (Subclass 572) - Assessment Level 4 资金担保需要 36 个月的资金,存期满连续 6 个...