学费:15360澳币每年 授课地点: 财务规划专业--St George, Ultimo;会计专业--Granville, Meadowbank,St George & Ultimo 开学日期:2月、7月 入学要求: 等同于澳大利亚12年级毕业; 雅思6.5,单项不低于6.0 老年护理 - 个人支持(老龄化)三级证书和...
7、Certificate III in Commercial Cookery+Certificate IV in Kitchen Management+Diploma of Hospitality Management西厨 TAFE本科课程推荐: 1、Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and Care (Birth-5)幼教本科 2、Bachelor of Property Valuation房产估价 3、Bachelor of Applied Commerce应用商科(分会计或财务规划方向...
1)Certificate III幼教三级证书 学费:8500澳币+材料费:200澳币+杂费:500澳币 上课时间:每周2天课 学习时长:48周 实习时长:120小时 2)Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care 幼教专业文凭 学费:12000澳币+材料费:200澳币+杂费:500澳币 上课时间:每周2天课 学习时长:78周 实习时长:240小时 小结: 1)...
AQF学历资格满足教育与培训行业的国家标准,在澳大利亚被广泛认可。学生可先在TAFE NSW学习英语语言课程,再通过学习证书课程(Certificate)和文凭课程(Diploma)升入学士学位课程。 英语语言课程 大部分课程的英语要求是学术类雅思成绩总分达到5.5/6.0或托福46分或完成TAFE NSW高级英语直升课或同等水平。部分课程如护理文凭课程...
3. Certificate III三级证书 等同于11年级 2. Certificate II二级证书 1. Certificate I一级证书 主要校区 热门课程 1)技能证书课程 2)大学直通车课程 --热门专业:会计、IT、酒店/旅游/会展管理、社区服务、工程、设计等; --无缝衔接 --最多能...
Certificate IV Diploma Advanced DiplomaWe ensure to offer you the perfect solution by referencing several credible resources. Thus, our TAFE assignment experts work hard to prepare your TAFE assignment for each unit. Therefore, after relying on our brilliant team, you need not worry about the quali...
澳洲TAFE (Technical and Further Education) 是一種專注於技職培訓的教育系統,以職場需求為導向,教授實用技能,適合想要迅速投入工作的學生。TAFE 技職課程教育與大學教育有所不同,重點在於實操訓練,而非理論研究,因此受到技術行業的高度認可。 澳洲TAFE 技職學院課程特色 靈活課程選擇: 提供短期證書(Certificate)、文...
David Smith, of Gladstone, was named Vocational Student of the Year for his efforts in studying a Certificate IV in Frontline Management and Diploma of Management at CQ TAFE. "I knew I had a one-in-three chance and if I didn't win I wouldn't have had any regrets because someone just...
betweeneducation Articulation:linkages trainingprograms Australian Framework:anationalframeworkof Qualifications qualifications to articulationbetweeneducationand courses. designedpromote training levelsoftheAustralian Certificatelevel:educationand awardintheinitial training attheendof provided schooling QualificationsFramework...
可以与 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing) 老年护理三级证书和Certificate IV in Preparation for Health and Nursing Studies 健康与护理基础四级证书衔接使十年级毕业学生获得衔接组合入学。 英文:雅思总分6.0单科不低于5.5,可以接受其他四大国际测试不接受拼分,学校内部有自己的语言中心,可以配语言课作为...