而且,凭借TAFE课程提供的四级证书 (Certificate IV)、文凭 (Diploma) 和高级文凭 (Advanced Diploma),...
餐饮方向:Certificate 3 of commercial cookery + Certificate 4 of commercial cookery + Diploma of Hospitality *入学要求:雅思4.5 理疗按摩方向:Diploma of Remedial Massage + Diploma of Leadership and Management *入学要求:雅思4.5 *推荐院校:Holmsglen:Diploma of Remedial Massage 注册护士方向:Diploma of nursi...
課程名稱:Certificate III in Business 商業課程三級證書、Certificate IV in Business 商業課程四級證書、套裝課程(商業三級+四級+領導管理文憑課程) 課程費用: Certificate III in Business 商業課程三級證書 AUD7,500 Certificate IV in Business 商業課程四級證書 AUD7,500 (需就讀三級後才能報名四級) 套裝課程 AUD2...
Southbank Institute of TAFE 澳大利亚南岸TAFE政府理工学院成立于1863年。学生总数超过3万人,其中包括1,300名国际学生,是昆士兰省最大的科技专科学院(TAFE)及澳洲三大国立科技专科学院(TAFE)之一。TAFE是职业技术与继续教育的意思,是澳大利亚最大的国立高等教育与培训系统。位于澳大利亚昆士兰省,坐落在布里斯班市中心...
昆士蘭州 – Tafe QLD CRICOS : 096796J 課程名稱:Diploma of Mental Health 心理健康文憑 課程費用:AUD11,500 課程長度:1年 入學時間:開課月份為1月23日 2023年 (如想報名之後日期入學者,請洽顧問諮詢) 開課校區:South Bank, Brisbane校區 澳洲公立技職學校TAFE – 其他熱門科系推薦 ...
---Certificate IV in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery) http://www.cit.act.edu.au/international/courses/hospitality_and_tourism/cookery/ PS个人建议找中介办,我自己就是。毕竟人家比较专业,效率质量都较个人而言要高。省力,便利。找一个比较好的中介公司就可以放心交给他去办。再PS古筝九级证书在简历中会有用...
If you have enrolled on a TAFE course, it is necessary to seek reliable guidance for TAFE assignment help. Our top writers are available with the best solution for all levels of TAFE courses, such as:Certificate I Certificate II Certificate III Certificate IV Diploma Advanced DiplomaWe ensure ...
The structure of the courses at Central gave the trio, especially Hannah, the freedom to see if Graphic Design was what they wanted to do, without having to commit to a course that would take years to complete. “Unlike uni, you receive a Certificate or Diploma at the end of each year...
Short Courses --Cambridge Certificate in English Language Teaching (CELTA) --Certificate IV in TESOL --TESOL (Teaching English as a Second Language) Teaching Licence 启思蒙TAFE 学院招生专业: Agriculture and Horticulture Art, Design and Animation ...
1. preparing for their first job 2. mature age people looking to train or retrain 3. people preparing for university studies Also, in prticular to the Chinese students, TAFE is also a way of gain particular skills for those who have migration purpose.Therefore, TAFE courses that ...