5.老年护理(Aged care)申请人需至少持有三级证书(Cert lll)学位。6.残疾人服务(Disability services)申请人需至少持有三级证书(Cert lll)学位。7.农业(Agriculture)申请人需至少持有四级证书(Cert IV)学位。8.水产养殖(Aquaculture)申请人需至少持有四级证书(Cert IV)学位。9.交通与物流(Transport and ...
5.老年护理(Aged care) 申请人需至少持有三级证书(Cert lll)学位。 6.残疾人服务(Disability services) 申请人需至少持有三级证书(Cert lll)学位。 7.农业(Agriculture) 申请人需至少持有四级证书(Cert IV)学位。 8.水产养殖(Aquaculture) 申请人需至少持有四级证书(Cert IV)学位。 9.交通与物流(Transport and ...
2023年,维州政府为了鼓励大家学习,又推出了新的福利政策。 📚 如果你打算学习的课程属于同一个priority pathways,那么你有机会在同一职业路径中完成多个免费的TAFE课程。举个例子,如果你已经完成了Cert 3 in Individual Support,那么你还可以免费学习Cert 4 in Disability,甚至是Diploma of Nursing。所有学费都由政府...
The three students credit their Central lecturers with not only inspiring them, but also providing a great space to come and learn. “If it weren’t for our lecturers in Cert III, Christof, Fitz, Darren, Lawrence, John, Deb, Chris P, and Bernie, we wouldn’t have made it to where we...
申请人需至少持有三级证书(Cert III)学位。6️⃣ 残疾人服务(Disability services) 申请人需至少持有三级证书(Cert III)学位。7️⃣ 农业(Agriculture) 申请人需至少持有四级证书(Cert IV)学位。8️⃣ 水产养殖(Aquaculture) 申请人需至少持有四级证书(Cert IV)学位。9...