建築與施工 (Building and Construction): 教授建築基礎和現場施工技術,為建築業職位做準備。 資訊技術 (IT): 涵蓋軟體開發、網路管理和數據分析等技術技能。 *選擇課程時,除了可以根據自己的職業興趣更可以參考澳洲技術移民職業列表 (Skilled Occupation List) 做規劃。 澳洲TAFE 技職學院申請條件與流程 申請條件 語...
建筑方向:建筑工程经理(Construction Project Manager)牢牢占据着中长期职业清单中的一个位置,也就意味着通过了VETASSESS职业评估,这一职业的小伙伴们不仅能走州担保和雇主担保,更能走189独立技术移民!另一个职业建筑审查员(Building Inspector)在短期职业清单中,这一专业的小伙伴们在通过职业评估后可以走州担保和雇主担...
澳洲著名三大TAFE学院简介 TAFE学院特点:澳洲所有移民专业,毕业后年薪5-6万澳币 Holmesglen 简介: Holmesglen 成立于1982年, 是澳大利亚最大的技术学校之一。Holmesglen 是一个大型的,充满活力的教育机构,致力于为学生提供高质量的语言培训及快捷的攻读大学课程和获得职业证书的教育,在国际上享有盛誉。在2002...
TAFE engineering courses and electro-technology assignments help Automotive trades and services courses assignment help Information and communications technology courses assignment help TAFE construction courses and building and property courses assignment help Pathways courses and preparation for further study and...
--Bachelor of Technology (Infrastructure - Design, Construction and Management) in association with Monash University --Bachelor of Multimedia in association with Swinburne University of Technology --Bachelor of Nursing in association with Deakin University ...
such as building and construction; tourism and hospitality; creative arts; mining, engineering, and transport; primary industries, animal and laboratory sciences; community services, health, and lifestyle; business, justice, and information technology; language, literacy, numeracy; and Indigenous ...
The 'family of trades' is illustrated showing how the Building Construction Industry skills courses interrelate. 展开 关键词:Workforce planning Comparative analysis Analysis Survey 年份: 1987 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 voced.edu.au ...
States that Alan Anderson, loudspeaker expert at the Box Hill Institute of TAFE, designed a course in speaker and construction. What is taught at the course; Details on building of speakers using pedigree components; When the 1998 courses will begin; Length of the courses; Comments from ...
construction training fund collects a levy on building projects worth more than $20,000 that is used for training skilled wa tradies Компания - - Отрасль - - #1,869,721 #66,426 #1,597 Правительство ...