课程推荐: 1.Certificate Ⅲ in Patisserie甜点烘焙三级证书课程 学制1年,2月/7月开课,学费AU$15,520/年 2.Diploma of Engineering Technology工程技术文凭课程 学制1年,7月开课,学费AU$16,395/年 3.Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping会计与簿记四级证书课程,学制半年,2月/7月开课,学费AU$6,650...
以商科举例,如果是高中毕业可以申请DIPLOMA课程或者是Certificate4证书课程 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping; Diploma of Commerce; Certificate 读完之后可以就读Diploma课程,Diploma课程结束之后可以直接读RMIT的大二的商科课程。 其中C...
Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping;Diploma of Commerce;Certificate 读完之后可以就读Diploma课程,Diploma课程结束之后可以直接读RMIT的大二的商科课程。其中Certificate课程的学费是11,000澳币,学习时间是6个月;Diploma课程的学费是28,800澳币,学习时间是一年;而大学的对应学费是36.480澳币,也就是说如果...
TAFE is not restricted to the predicament of only few courses and the total range and ambit of these types of courses is magnanimous. It will definitely help the students to get through the range of options for choosing a well suited career for their over all well-being. So, opting for ...
Accounting & Bookkeeping TAFE Course – Mad Chaos: January 14, 1997 Diary entry for January 14, 1997. Starting a New TAFE Course, Speaker Insulation, Job Interview, and more. Diary of a Mad Chaos – The Longest Online Diary Diary Entry 766 0 January 12, 1997 A Month Without Gym &...